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The Wedding Speech: Traditional Order to Follow at the Reception

The Wedding Speech: Traditional Order to Follow at the Reception

Key Takeaways

  • Traditional wedding speech order: Father of the bride, Father of the groom, Maid of honour, Best man, Newlyweds.
  • Bride’s father welcomes guests and shares stories.
  • The groom’s father/mother may speak next, often at the rehearsal dinner.
  • Maid of honor and best man share personal stories and toast the couple.
  • Newlyweds may thank guests and express gratitude.
  • Limit the number of speeches to avoid overwhelming the reception timeline.
  • Ideal timing: 3/4 through the meal for undivided attention.

You are finally done with the proper wedding plans. Now, you need to map out the timeline for your reception. One thing that needs to be considered is the wedding speech order. Who among your loved ones should you include in your list? You can use this format for Wedding speech examples flow if you are unsure how to start. You can freely tweak this traditional order to fit your preferences. 

Father/Parents of the Bride

He is usually the first on the list to toast. The bride’s father or parents welcome the guests and thank them for coming to celebrate this memorable union with the family. He might also share stories about the couple and give his advice. The bride’s mother may also give a speech with or after the father.

Father/Parents of the Groom

The groom’s family should be next to toast. It is often just the father, but in modern times, the mother also gives her speech. The groom’s parents usually host the rehearsal dinner if you follow wedding traditions. The father’s speech can be given at this event. Still, you can have the groom’s parents spend time at the reception instead. 

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The Maid-of-Honor

The maid of honour will often start the speech by introducing the story of how well she knows the couple. She can share some funny stories about the couple. Others talk about how she witnessed them fall in love. The maid of honour will then give the couple some words of encouragement. She ends her speech with a toast for the newlyweds. 

The Best Man

The best man’s speech is often the last. It is usually written similarly to that of the maid-of-honour. The best man introduces himself first and then shares how he knows the couple. He is the one who will talk about the groom. He may also share some stories to bring out laughs from the couple and the guests. The best man will conclude his speech with a toast to the couple. 

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The Newlyweds

The newlyweds do not always give their speech. But take this moment to thank all your family and loved ones for coming to your wedding. Some couples share their journey and their wishes for their future. Show your gratitude to everyone who made this wedding a successful one. 

Number of Wedding Speeches According to Tradition

Always remember that wedding speeches are meant for the newlyweds. If any of them find it challenging to write their speech, help them by sharing some examples of their wedding speech. While planning the wedding speeches, limit the number of people who will be given the chance to speak. Other loved ones and friends who wished to give their speech may do so at the rehearsal dinner. It is best to provide them with a suggestion of how long the speech should take. This way, the reception program will go as planned. 

Wedding Speeches: Timing is Important

The wedding reception is not complete without the speeches. But when do you insert this in your program? Most often, the speeches are done about three-quarters of the way through the meal. At this time, your guests are almost done with their food. This way, you get their undivided attention as the tables are cleared. 

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Timing is crucial when giving a speech. You cannot do it too early or too late. It would be best if you kept them entertained. During the speeches, prepare your handkerchiefs because this will be a rollercoaster of emotions. You will laugh, cry, and even feel ashamed of what your family and loved ones might share.  

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