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Tips for Choosing Wedding Invitations

When choosing wedding invitations, there are many things that you need to keep in mind. Obviously, you want to select an invitation that will fit within your budget. Beyond just the cost, however, you also want to select a wedding invitation that will be well-suited to your ceremony and will help your wedding guests get a better idea of your wedding theme and what they can expect when they share in your special day.

Considering Your Setting

One of the most important things you need to consider when choosing wedding invitations is the setting of your wedding. Whether your wedding will be casual or formal will dictate the style of wedding invitation you choose. Obviously, a casual wedding invitation would be best suited for a casual wedding, while a more formal wedding should be announced with a more formal wedding invitation style. On the other hand, if you are having a beach wedding or a destination wedding, you might want to select a wedding invitation that hints at this special type of setting and the level of formality of your special day.

Thinking About Your Colors

More than likely, you have put a great deal of thought into selecting the colors you will use in your wedding. When choosing wedding invitations, keep these colors in mind and select a wedding invitation color and design that is complimentary to your wedding colors. Since wedding invitations are available in nearly every color you can imagine, it should be easy to find a color that makes a nice match with your wedding colors.

Linking it to Your Theme

Your wedding theme will likely be closely tied into your setting and the colors you choose, which means you should also consider your theme when choosing wedding invitations. If you will have a garden theme, for example, you might want to consider choosing wedding invitations with flowers or plants integrated into the design. If you are having a winter wedding with a Christmas theme, on the other hand, you may want to select a wedding invitation that helps carry on that theme.

Keeping Within the Budget

Finally, you do want to consider your budget when choosing wedding invitations. Luckily, keeping your costs down does not mean you have to select cards that do not fit within your setting, color and theme. Rather, you may want to bypass some extras in order to keep the costs down. For example, some couples choose to add photos to their wedding invitations. While this is certainly a wonderful way to make the invitations more personal and to add more long-term value to the cards, adding photos may be more than your budget can withstand. So, if money is an issue, skip the extras and purchase invitations that help put your guests in the right mood for your special day.

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Put That Special Touch on Your Clothing with Stylish Jewellery

Jewellery is one of those things that we barely think about; we plan our clothes for a day at the office, at home or for special occasions, but jewellery is the very last thing we think of.

There is so much available these days, from the very expensive gem-studded gold and silver items for sale in the jeweller’s shop, to the cheapest pair of earrings from the local supermarket, and there is something to suit every occasion and, more importantly, every purse.

The little black dress can be worn with simple diamond studded earrings and a matching necklace, but will look equally stunning worn with something very elaborate in gold and precious stones, or something a little more understated in silver.

For more casual outfits and office wear, those same simple diamond studs can add an air of sophistication without being too flashy, but there is a huge range of really colourful eye-catching jewellery available which can be worn with most outfits. Everywhere you see jewellery on sale you will find very different styles, from heavy ethnic items which look great with bohemian clothes but can also be worn with a simple white t-shirt and jeans, to delicate necklaces and bracelets with coloured stones, which look every bit as good as their precious counterparts. I think jewellery should always be worn, even if you are planning a lazy day at home – it always adds that little extra fizz to an outfit and shows that you take care of the smallest detail.

Jewellery can transform almost any outfit and these days there is a huge variety to choose from. One of the best things about the jewellery available in the shops today is that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to purchase something that will not only enhance an outfit, but will also make you feel good wearing it.

For special occasions such as weddings, dinner parties or evenings at the theatre, you can choose to wear expensive items if you can afford them, but you can also buy cheaper pieces which look just as good.  Many people own expensive or antique jewellery but are afraid to wear it in case they lose it, and it is possible to have copies made which look as good as the real thing. The materials used for cheaper jewellery nowadays are of excellent quality.

A lot of women own some jewellery of high value and love an occasion to show it off. It’s sad when something precious spends most of its time hidden away in a jewellery box or a safety deposit box. I think it should be worn whenever the opportunity presents itself and not just for that very special occasion.

These days jewellery is sold in a lot of different retail stores. I have seen earrings retailing in a supermarket at £1.50 for five pairs of differently-coloured mock diamond studs and I would challenge anyone to be absolutely sure they could tell the difference between them or those available from a bespoke jeweller. Of course, for something special, or as a gift to a loved one, there’s no better place to buy than a jeweller’s shop, but, when funds are limited, try your local boutique or even the supermarket. You are sure to find something within your price range.  The good thing about buying cheaper low-value jewellery is that, even if you are on a very limited income, you can still own some pieces which will make even your simplest outfit look great. The real bonus is that you won’t have to insure them or panic when you lose any of them

Jewellery is an essential part of a women’s wardrobe; a favourite piece it can become her ‘signature’ in the same way that perfume can and there is nothing more rewarding, when getting dressed up in your best outfit, than adding that final touch knowing that you have done justice to the clothes and to yourself.  Jewellery, however much or little it costs, really does add sparkle to an outfit.

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Post Wedding Spending

You’ve just got married and moved in together to a new place: would you splurge on buying new furniture, like sofas, or try to fit the old stuff in?

When my husband and I got married, we never bought new stuff at first; in fact we spent the first few weeks on huge pillows on the floor! However, that was 13 years ago, when sofas were much more expensive than they are today. There were hardly any sales on back then, like today for instance everywhere you look there is a half price sale or some trade in offer. Also £500 13 years ago was a lot of money, today it is virtually nothing.

If I were to get married today I think I would purchase new items more so than years ago, these would include items such as a sofa, because you can get some good deals. Television would be new because of the new up and coming change over to digital. Electrical equipment was all new because of the good deals today including the guarantee. In fact the only time I wouldn’t buy new items for the home is if an item was handed down to me from a family member, and even then it would have to fit in with my home.

Most Kitchens today are fitted; therefore it is unlikely your old cooker or fridge freezer will fit into the allocated kitchen space, so their maybe a need to buy yourself new kitchen facilities. And the temptation of cookers being removed and CORGI fitted free of charge is a temptation to purchase a new one. All of my pots and pans would of course come with me.

I think with all the offers and new technology today, more and more people are choosing new items, and selling on their old items. It is unfortunate as soon as you buy an upgraded item; it is outdated within a year. But at least you are secure with the knowledge most new items have a two plus year guarantee and will last you for many years.

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Getting In To That Dress

Six months to the big day, and one two three – panic!

No, it doesn’t have to be like that!

It may be tempting to fling yourself into a crash diet, join a gym, buy brand new gym wear and flog yourself half to death on the treadmill, or even opt for the surgeon’s knife in an attempt to get into shape for that big day, but unless you have allowed yourself to develop seriously bad habits, it’s hardly essential.

Instead, with a generous six months to play with, there’s plenty of time to tone up. Start by taking a long hard look at your current diet and level of fitness. It may be that simply cutting out cigarettes and alcohol, or at least, cutting down, can make an enormous difference to the overall level of fitness. Worried about having bingo wings or a less than flat tummy? There’s still plenty of time to do a spot of toning and exercising to pep up those areas of the body that you may be less than proud of.

This doesn’t even need special equipment – doing arm curls with a bottle of water in each hand, or a series of sit ups and stomach flattening exercises can make big changes to your body shape with little real effort. In between booking the reception and choosing the bridesmaids, a few brisk walks in the fresh air really help to boost circulation and get that peaches and cream complexion. Try a deep muscle massage or a body wrap to improve the look of the skin – with no effort at all required on your part!

Do bear in mind, though, that making any kind of drastic changes to your body shape once you’ve chosen your dress will probably mean a few extra trips for additional dress fittings. Better, then, to tone up sooner rather than later, and you’ll walk down the aisle looking and feeling a million dollars.