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Wedding Dress Shopping: Key Preparation Tips for a Seamless Experience!

via Best for Bride

Wedding dress shopping is fun and exciting, but it can also be overwhelming if you don’t know what you want. To find the right wedding dress, you may first have to look at hundreds of options. So, don’t hit the stores until you have narrowed your preferences to a select few. Plan in advance and your wedding shopping will be productive and enjoyable.

This article will help you understand how to prepare for your bridal boutique appointment, so you can make the most of your experience.

Begin early

There are three main processes, when it comes wedding shopping –determining the type of dress you want, finding the right bridal boutique and finding the dress. The entire process may take anywhere between 6 and 12 months. A little research before shopping will make it easier and much more effective.

How to start?

While some brides know exactly how they want to look on their wedding day, others may not have a clue on where to begin. Don’t worry, we’ll help you get there.

First, find a silent spot and sit down with a pen and paper. Close your eyes and imagine your wedding day. Do you envision yourself as a traditional bride in a classic white wedding gown? Or do you picture yourself as a fashionable, stylish bride in a modern wedding dress?

Depending on your preferences, write down a few describing words for the gown you have in mind.

Now, look for dresses that match your idea. Browse through online wedding gown collections and photos in bridal magazines to find inspiration. Save these for reference, and make notes on what you like and what you don’t in a particular dress.

Ask your friends for suggestions on what would look good on you. Once you begin doing this, you will slowly zero-in on the features you want, and eliminate those you don’t. You should soon be able to shortlist suitable silhouettes, type of sleeves, neckline and length. It’s now time to move on to the next step.

Fix a budget, find a boutique

The worst thing that can happen when you go shopping, is to fall in love with a dress you cannot afford. So, fix the maximum amount you can spend on your wedding dress and make sure you stick to it. Budget for accessories like veils and shoes too.

Now, find a boutique that carries the dress collections you like. You can check online or call them to confirm availability of these collections. Although you can buy a dress online, remember that you may not be able to judge how the dress would look on you till you actually try it on.

Book your appointment and go shopping!

Once you finalize the boutique, fix an appointment with them on a day when you have plenty of time to shop. If there are any particular dresses that you liked, inform them so they will have it ready when you arrive.

Take a friend or two with you, when you go shopping. Limit the number of people who accompany you, as too many opinions will only make the decision difficult. Choose someone who is fair in judgement and will give you an honest opinion.

Now, all you have to do is attend your appointment and find your dream dress!

Visit Best for Bride to browse through our vast selection of wedding dresses and for all your other wedding needs.

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Fun at the Bridal Shower

Having a bridal shower is an important part of getting married. However, some of the portions of it can be rather boring. While it is fun to share the time with the bride, many guests may grow weary when they are watching the bride open her gifts. Since the gifts are usually household gifts, there really isn’t anything that the guests can do to become excited about these items.

However, there are some games that can be played during the gift opening ceremony that will make the process more fun and exciting. This is a great way to keep the guests excited and involved even when the shower takes a boring turn. Below you will find some special games that you can play as the bride is opening her gifts.

Bridal Bingo


When the bride is preparing to open her gifts, pass out bingo cards filled with common household goods instead of numbers. Then as the bride is opening her gifts, they will look to see if they have a match. The first person to get a bingo on their card will be declared the winner. This is a great game that will help keep guests involved with the process of opening up the gifts and will help them to enjoy the shower better.

Good Wishes

With this game, each guest will have a moment to give the bride some good wishes for her upcoming wedding and marriage. These wishes can be written down on a piece of paper that will be added to a special vase later on. As the bride is opening the gift that was brought by the guest, the guest will share with the group their wishes for the bride’s future. This is a fun way to enjoy a moment with the bride as she is opening up her gifts.

Wrapping Paper Décor


Another fun game that you can play while the bride is opening up her gifts involves creating a special décor item for her to enjoy. Using a large piece of poster board, each guest will take a portion of the wrapping paper or gift sack that they choose to present her gift in and attach it to the poster board. After the party is over, the bride can then have the board framed and will always have a reminder of her bridal shower at all times.


These games are all unique ways that you can make sure that the guests of a wedding shower are able to enjoy the time when the bride is opening her wedding gifts. Instead of having a fairly boring time during this part of the shower, guests will instead be able to enjoy the time and have some laughter to go along with the party as well. So, if you are looking for a way to make the gift opening section of the bridal shower more enjoyable, be sure to rely on some of these games.


No bridal shower is complete without a stop by Best for Bride. Here, you will be able to find the perfect dress to wear for both your wedding and the bridal shower.

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The Groom’s Guide—How involved should you be in wedding planning?

1Congratulations on your engagement! Now that the inevitable’s happened, and your lady love has agreed to share her life with you, what do you do next?

Don’t be surprised if your level-headed and practical fiance has already taken on her new part-time job—wedding planning, and while you are wondering about what colors and flowers she talks about all the time, don’t forget that you too have to be involved in planning your marriage. Well, atleast to a certain extent! If you thought the safest thing to do is to nod “Yes honey”, we have some news for you! Better listen to what’s going on, or you’ll regret it later.

While your bride goes ahead with planning “most” of the wedding, here is information on where you should step in and lend a hand!

Money matters

When a woman becomes a bride, cutting down costs suddenly becomes an alien concept. This is where you enter the show. Be there when she plans the guest list and the venue. This will account for a huge part of the wedding budget, so make sure you help with sorting out who has to be there and who doesn’t.

Similarly, set a maximum amount for booking the venue and decorating it. Women are often taken in by the look of a place, and once they are bowled over, there is no taking it back. So, take the initiative to search out alternate venue locations before going to see her suggestion. Ease her into the idea that she can get what she wants for a lesser price. Make it your responsibility, and not only will your bride remember how considerate you were to help her, you will also save some money.

Often ask about the wedding, and offer to help

There is usually a point in the engagement when the bride bursts out into tears and complains that the groom doesn’t care about the wedding. Well, you do, but not with the obsession that she has! But, for her sake and yours, ask about the plans and progress every now and then. Lend a ear when she pours out her frustrations over which shade of peach goes with the green in the décor. You may not have the slightest idea of what she is talking about, but peace with reign!

Your few responsibilities include finding a good tux, picking your groomsmen and getting in shape for the wedding. So, do these with gusto, and she will be proud of you.

Be involved in things that matter to you

You do not have to touch the invitations, flowers or wedding shopping. Let her handle it. Where the cake is concerned, make suggestions only if you are asked. Nevertheless, go along and enjoy all the tasting sessions she plans.

Instead, concentrate on the wedding music. Be involved in deciding which songs ought to be played, and definitely those that shouldn’t be.

One mistake grooms make is to avoid the wedding registry. It’s your folly. If you want other gifts besides than silver tea cups and pretty home ornaments, you will have to register at places of your choice too. So, make sure you do!

For more wedding related tips and advice both for the bride and the groom, check out our website at Best for Bride.

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How to Get in Shape for your Perfect Wedding Dress


One of the biggest concerns that brides have is looking great in the wedding dress that they have chosen. Most brides feel as though they should lose a little weight before the attention is completely focused on them. If you are in this situation, you will find that there are many things that you can do to help improve your figure for your big day.

Eat Healthy

The first thing that you will need to do is to make sure that you are eating the right types of foods to remain healthy. There are many nutrients available in fruits and vegetables that are great for you when you are looking to lose weight.

You should also avoid things that are bad for your health, like caffeine, sweets, cigarettes and excessive drinking. These items can all hinder your goal of losing weight and can make it harder for you to get in shape for your wedding.



Plan some time every day to get out and get some exercise. Not only will this help you get in shape quickly, but you will be able to eliminate some of the stress that you are undoubtedly feeling from all the wedding planning that you have been doing lately. This may be something that you prefer to do alone so that you can relax your mind each day.

You can also make your exercise routine part of a special bonding ritual that you have with your bridesmaids. If you are all looking to get in shape so that you will look great in your dresses, schedule some time at least once or twice a week that you can all meet up and go for a walk or run together. This is a great way to spend some time together and to get in shape with your friends before your wedding arrives.

Get your Fiancé in on the deal too


Another thing that you may want to consider is getting your fiancé involved with the exercise process. Whether he already has a gym that he attends regularly or is new to the exercise game, the two of you can enjoy a bit of time away from the wedding planning process to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

Many may be surprised that the groom usually wants to lose a little weight before the wedding too. He will want to look fantastic for you in his tux on your wedding day as well as for the honeymoon. By exercising together, you will both be able to look and feel your best when the wedding arrives.


Getting in shape for your wedding is a simple process if you put your mind to it. You should keep your goals realistic and feel good about any progress that you make before your wedding day arrives. Regardless as to how much weight that you do or do not lose, your groom will find you beautiful in your wedding dress.

Best for Bride

Best for Bride is an all-inclusive wedding store that offers everything that a bride will need to look beautiful on her wedding day. Alterations are available, so if you do find your weight fluctuating between choosing your dress and the final measurement, you will still be able to make alterations as needed.