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Wedding Thank You Note Tips


After your wedding has come and gone, it is likely that you are ready to move on with your life and begin your new life as being part of a married couple. It is also likely that you are ready to relax after all the stress that you been through planning your wedding. Unfortunately, there is still one more task to take care of; writing thank you notes.

Of course, the last thing that you want to do after your wedding is to spend hours writing thank you cards to all the people who came to your wedding. However, it is something that necessary and will be greatly appreciated by your guests. Here are a few tips to get you through this daunting task.

Plan Ahead


It is a good idea to plan for this process well before your wedding. In fact, you should really begin planning the thank you card task when you are gathering names and addresses to send invitations to. You can make the task quite a bit easier on yourself if you save a copy of the list of names and addresses that you used to send invitations for your wedding.

When you are ready to send out invitations, you can pull your list back out and write the gift that each guest brought to the wedding or your shower. This will give you all the information that you need to get started in the right direction. So, make sure that when you are opening gifts at your shower or wedding that someone is keeping track of which gift belonged to each guest.

Get Situated


When you are ready to begin writing your thank you notes, you should make sure that you are in a comfortable location. Choose a spot in your home that is near a TV or radio so that you can enjoy yourself while you are writing out your thank you notes. It is also best to be near the kitchen and bathroom so that you will easily be able to take a break when you need one.

When it comes to writing utensils, make sure that you have plenty on hand that will be reliable when you are filling out the cards. You should avoid pens that will leave ink blobs or that are uncomfortable to write with. Remember that you will be writing quite a few notes in one sitting and you will want them to be beautiful and easy to write.


When you are writing out your thank you notes, it is always best if you and your spouse write them together. This is an easy way to make sure that they are all taken care of and that they have both of your personalities included. It can also be helpful because this means that you will each only have half the original number to write.

Best for Bride

Remember, Best for Bride has many things to offer those who are getting married. Whether you are looking for wedding dresses or thank you notes, the store has quite a large selection to choose from.

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6 Quick Wins to Get Organized For Your Wedding

The key to success for anything these days is substantial planning, and weddings are no different. It is inevitable, something minor will go wrong at every single wedding, but do not fret. But with plenty of planning between you and your partner you can avoid any serious problems occurring.

Congratulations, you are engaged, but get a move on!

Your family and friends are now more than aware that you are both engaged and are undoubtedly incredibly happy for you. Nevertheless, this does not mean you can sit around wedding for the wedding day to come! You both have a lot of work to do and the wedding unfortunately wont plan itself, even though you may wish it would. Do not wait around until 3 to 4 months before your wedding to get everything done and planned, a wedding can take a year to plan properly, so get a move on.

Keep track of your planning with a calendar or diary.

So by now you have more than likely established a wedding date. It is now important to start setting out specific dates as to when you want certain things completed. This will include things such as venue or reception hall reservations, invitations to be sent out, wedding dress fittings and so on. If you aim to have as much done and completed in the first few months of your engagement, the last months on the run up to your big day will not be as stressful.

Make time to discuss your wedding details.

It is no secret that most of us live hectic lives, dinner dates, family, work, and everything else in between, but even so, it is important that you set some time aside in which you can discuss any wedding plans and details. Sit down with your partner and get planning. This also prevents any possible cause for confusion, for example the groom believes he needs to call the car rental company, but the bride has already done it.

Share your responsibilities and duties together.

It is no secret that you will be sharing your responsibilities and duties soon enough as husband and wife, so perhaps it is time to prepare for that experience while planning your big day together. It is important that you are both involved in the planning journey. To do this, make a list of what needs to be done and taken care of, then split the list between you both. Ladies, this is a great way to encourage the groom to help and be involved, rather than forcing them to feel the need to help. Of course, your groom is probably far from interest in what flowers you wish to carry down the aisle so perhaps leave that task for yourself. Nevertheless, ensuring that your husband to be is involved will make him feel like it is his wedding too.

Communication is the key.

Alright, so you have split your duties (fairly, we hope!) but we cannot stress enough that communication is now the key. If you are sharing tasks and duties, you are also sharing the finer details, so make sure you are both communication and let one another know if a task has been completed or not. Or perhaps you need help with a particular duty, do not be scared to ask, after all you are a team!

Remember to be reasonable.

Let us be honest, you never really liked the grooms choice of suit, and perhaps he does not like your choice of cake either. You will soon discover you may both want different things, which means you both need to be willing and flexible enough to accommodate to each others wants. If you honestly do not a particular something, be clear with your objection and come up with another solution.

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Wedding Toasts 101


At many weddings, some guests are asked to give a speech or propose a toast during the reception. Normally, this is done by the best man, but many weddings are now asking the maid of honor to complete one as well.

If you have been asked to make a toast at a wedding, there are some very important thing that you should remember to do when you are writing your speech. Below are the top ten things to consider when writing a toast.


A good speech should be between 1 and 4 minutes. Wedding toasts tend to be boring if they go on too long, so make sure that you keep yours short and sweet. The main idea behind your toast is to deliver it with sincerity.


People will need to have time to fill their glasses before your speech begins. In order to make sure that everyone has a full glass, make an announcement a few minutes before you plan to give your toast.


You should always stand when you are giving a toast and hold the glass in your right hand.


Your toast should be personal and meaningful. It is fine to use humor or even quotes when making your toast. One of the most popular options is the story regarding how the bride and groom met.


Humor is a terrific thing to add to your speech, but you should make sure that the humor you choose is appropriate and in good taste.


Always use your normal tone of voice. You should avoid using elaborate hand gestures or alter your voice in strange ways.


It is best to practice your toast before you are expected to present it. Speaking in public can be intimidating and for those who are not experienced with it will fare better with practice.

Eye Contact

When you are making your speech, you should look around the room while you make your toast. Making eye contact is also a bonus, especially with the bride and groom.

Deep Breath

Take your time and don’t rush through the speech. You should speak clearly so that everyone will be able to understand you.



Your speech should always finish with congratulations or some sort of blessing for the couple. This is the main purpose of the toast and you should make sure to include it at the end.


When you are writing your speech, make sure that you are keeping the topic suitable for the entire audience. While you want to be personal, it is best to avoid an overly personal story about the couple because it can be embarrassing, both for you and for them.

If you have been asked to make a speech at a wedding, it means that you are an important part of the couple’s life. You should take this as an honor and make sure that you present them with a toast that will show how much you appreciate their friendship.

The bride and groom will be looking for a special moment to enjoy a toast made from the people they love the most and to make use of those special glasses that they have purchased. Make sure that the speech that you present gives them this special moment.

Best for Bride

Best for Bride can help to answer many of your wedding day questions. This wedding superstore has everything that you need to make your special day even better and you will find everything you need for your wedding at one of their four locations.


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How to handle it when others try to take over your wedding

via pixabay
via pixabay

Wedding planning is not an easy feat, with thousands of decisions to make and hundreds of arrangements to complete. To add to all this stress is the fact that every wedding party will have at least one person, if not more, who tries to take over the reins and run your wedding for you. If you are a person who cannot say “NO”, you are in for a tough time when these people begin to run the show.

So, what do you do when you feel things are slowly slipping out of your hands? Do you just bite it down and let it be? Or do you put your foot down, and take back control? Let us look at how you can tackle such situations appropriately.

Tactically saying No

From choosing the wedding colors to fixing the guest list and booking vendors, you will have to listen to hundreds of opinions. Do listen to all of them, but do not commit without thinking it through. The best approach is to thank them for their help, and tell them that you will be in touch if you decide this is the option you want.

Remember that at some point of your wedding, you will have to disagree with someone. So, don’t feel guilty about it. Appreciate their well-intended advice or suggestion, but don’t feel you have to go with it if you aren’t comfortable. This is just how weddings work, realize it and it will be easier for you.

Work together and find middle ground

This is important when the people involved are contributing or very dear to you. For example, it may be your parents or in-laws. The fact that they are contributing may lead them to believe that they are entitled to make certain decisions. They may want to invite more of their guests than you would like to have at the wedding, or they may consider choosing the menu.

Although it is your wedding, in such a scenario you should remember that these people have earned the right to their opinion. An amicable solution is the best approach. Discuss several options where the menu is concerned and find one that both of you are satisfied with. Ask them to drop a few guests, while you too do the same. Compromise on matters that don’t have a huge impact, so that everyone is happy in the end.

Delegate tasks that are not crucial

Hand over few responsibilities to your overly eager friends and relatives, so they don’t feel like you are ignoring them entirely. This may be to follow up on a vendor booking, make a list of entertainment options or to check that the deliveries arrive on time. Even so, keep the bigger decisions to yourself. Make it a point to appreciate their help, and thank them profusely for their involvement. This should keep them happy, but out of your way.

Having a perfect wedding is not only about having a hassle-free day. It is also about the happiness you and your wedding party share. So, let this day be fun for all. Though you can’t please everyone, try to tackle difficult situations and bossy relatives sensibly, so no one is offended.

For more wedding advice and tips, as well as to choose your wedding dress visit us at Best for Bride.