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When Wedding Dresses Are no Longer Needed: Dealing with Broken Engagements

The moment you get engaged, it seems like there are fireworks everywhere. Your dreams are finally coming true and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with the one person that you want to see day in and day out. Of course, you also get so excited about all the wedding planningbridesmaid dresses, wedding dresses, wedding centrepieces in Toronto or elsewhere, just to name a few.

But then, just when everything is in its proper place, just when you are all set, the unthinkable thing happens – you get jilted. Your fianc‚ backs out. Regardless of the reason for this, one thing is clear: there will no longer be a wedding to plan, no wedding to go to. There will no longer be a happily-ever-after for the both of you, at least.

So what should you do?

1. Have someone take care of the mess.

Indeed, a broken engagement is messy. There’s so much to take care of. What would happen to those purchased bridesmaid dresses, lovely wedding flowers and fabulous gown that you’ve carefully chosen from a pile of equally stunning wedding dresses?

Of course, you can’t expect yourself to take care of all those – given that you are all devastated being left behind by the one person that you expect to be with you through thick and thin. So, you need to mobilize your minions – make use of your entourage. Request your maid of honor to inform the guests that a wedding will no longer be taking place. She could also cancel the caterer, the flowers and the wedding decorations. She will be more than happy to do all that – even including getting your wedding gown and all things reminiscent of wedding dresses out of your sight.

Your parents could also be of so much service to you during this time. They can call the guests – inform them of the situation without having to spill all the gory details. They could also take care of the church and explain the cancellation of the wedding.

Whatever material thing that needs taking care of, your parents and the other members of the entourage could handle.

2. Embrace the sadness.

Now, here’s something that you can do – acknowledge the devastation. Feel it. For quite a while, it would be painful for you to see wedding dresses and anything related to marriage. But this will not go on forever. So while the feeling is still so fresh, accept it. Cry, wallow in your misery. Get a new environment, sulk in your room. Whatever it is that would get the negative emotions out, do it. Your body can only be in that devastated state for quite a while. After that, you will see the sunshine.

3. Move on.

It’s not easy to move on. It is a process and it takes a while. But simply wallowing and relating wedding dresses to sadness will not a better person make. So compose yourself, stand up and smile. Sooner or later, you will find the person that’s meant for you. Sooner or later, you will understand why such a wedding never materialized. And that is because there’s someone else out there that could make you very happy… there is someone out there who can bring out the best in you.

Your one and only dependable source for bridesmaid dresses, wedding dresses and wedding centerpieces in Toronto is here. Check out

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Want to be the Perfect Wedding Guest? Here are a Few Pointers

Are you invited to a friend’s or a family member’s wedding? If so, then you might be checking your closet now for the perfect dress, the perfect shoes, and of course, the perfect handbag that will go with your planned outfit. Or, you might be concerned as to what the dress code specified by the bride and groom really means? When they say formal, do they mean that it’s a black tie event where wedding dresses, including guests’ dresses, need to be full-length and dressy? Or, are you concerned that when you go there, you won’t have friends to talk to or socialize with?

To appease you from all these unnecessary worries, you might want to take note of the following reminders. These cover almost all aspects of the wedding ceremony, from wedding gowns to wedding favors and socializing skills.

1. Follow the dress code

Wedding invitations usually bear the preferred dress code. So before you hop from one shop to another, you must first understand what the couple requires you to wear. You might already be checking bridal boutiques that sell expensive wedding dresses and formal gowns when all you really need to wear is semi-formal attire.

Now, the last thing that you want to happen is to be over- or under-dressed for the occasion. The other guests may not be that vocal about their side comments on your out-of-place attire but analyzing what their stares mean is very stressful for you.

Therefore, to keep this scenario from happening, you must know and understand what the dress code means. If you are not sure, ask the bride or the groom. It’s better to be sure than sorry.

In addition, refrain from wearing white as you might compete with the bride’s gown. There’s a purpose why wedding dresses are white – that is, to distinguish the bride from all the other ladies in the room, including you.

Some cultures discourage wearing black during weddings as well. If yours is one that adopts this tradition, then follow it.

2. Socialize

A wedding is a social event. Therefore, you must interact with the other people in the ceremony. This comes with the invitation.

Of course, since you have spent a fortune for your perfect outfit and your make-up, might as well put that “more beautiful version” of yourself into better use. Who knows, you will meet your Mr. Right there. So, the next time that you go shopping, you will be spending your time in the bridal dresses section already.

3. Come with a wedding present

Out of courtesy to your friend or your family member, do bring a wedding present. You don’t have to buy the most expensive gift that caught your fancy while you passed by the wedding dresses racks. You can always get inexpensive yet useful items such as kitchenware.

To be invited to a wedding is a privilege – much more if you are part of the entourage. Therefore, if you have been invited to one, make the most out of it. Do everything in your power to be the perfect wedding guest!

Excited to shop for wedding dresses? Visit now. Not only is the site about fabulous wedding dresses, it also offers great ideas for wedding favors.

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When Wedding Dresses and Mothers-In-Law Don’t Match: Tips to Overcome Escalating In-Law Tension

According to a long-term study conducted by Dr. Terri Apter, a psychologist, almost 75 percent of married women admit to mother-in-law difficulties. These, in turn, have resulted in unhappiness and stress on both sides. Contrast that with the substantially lower incidence – just 15 percent – of troubles between mothers-in-law with their sons-in-law and you will realize that you probably need to befriend your hostile future mother-in-law even before looking through all those wedding dresses!

Find a Neutral Ground

Before talking to your future mother-in-law to resolve your conflicts, you have to agree on a neutral venue. This must be a quiet place away from the meddling and needling of other family members, which will allow the conversations to flow more smoothly. Besides, the conflict is primarily between you and your mother-in-law and the presence of interested (in gossip) parties can muddle the issues.

And who knows? The next grounds you will step on are stores selling wedding dresses.

Wedding dress

Agree to Disagree

The abovementioned study states that the conflicts between women in-laws start with disagreements on domestic matters like cooking, cleaning and children’s welfare. Well, of course, you will have disagreements simply because you were raised in different generations under different circumstances!

Thus, you will have to agree to disagree on the details of domesticity. Instead, you must focus on general principles and values that will affect the general welfare of the son/spouse and the grandchildren. Soon enough, you might even laugh over the ridiculousness of those ‘80s-inspired wedding dresses.

Focus on the Relevant Issues

Often in confrontations, serious disagreements get muddled by side issues. To avoid this from happening, you can make a list of the things that you feel are the main sources of friction. It does not have to be detailed, just as a general guideline.

Bridal gown

When you are conversing with your future mother-in-law, strive to be respectful of her view. In the same way, you have to demand from her the respect that you deserve as the woman her son chose for a wife. When there is mutual respect, you are better able to focus on each other’s feelings and how each one affects the other.

For example, if the issue is about your initial choices of wedding dresses, you can always calmly discuss the reasons for your choices while considering her reasons as valid to a point. It may sound trivial but, often, starting with the little things paves the way for the big things.

Avoid Name-Calling

Not only is name-calling infantile, it can hurt people more than actions ever do. You both need to be calm, cool and collected at all times. Otherwise, it will be exercises in futility, not to mention escalate the tensions to more unmanageable levels. You need to remember that you might be the future wife but your future mother-in-law will always be the mother of your fiancé.

You, on the other hand, might find yourself shredding your wedding dresses when your groom-to-be grows tired of your bickering and just cancels the wedding. Let’s hope it will be temporary.

Indeed, it can provide peace of mind to the wedding planning when you know that both sides are agreeable to the union. At the very least, you can focus more time on finding the right wedding dresses for the ceremony and the reception! offers the best selections of bridesmaid dress, evening dresses and wedding dresses for your dream wedding. Visit them now!


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Budget-Friendly Elegance: Smart Tips to Save on Bridesmaid Dresses During Economic Downturns!

It’s the recession – this much you and your bridesmaid will agree on. Still, the show must go on and it must go on as you envisioned it in your dreams. So, what do you do? Well, you find ways to beat the recession with these tips to save costs on bridesmaid dresses, that’s what!

Go Dutch Treat

Although it is not uncommon for bridesmaids to buy their own bridesmaid dresses, there are instances when you will have to ask them to do just that! Your bridesmaid may even like the idea because then they will not be made, or rather forced, to wear designs they either will not like or will not able to use again.

You must, however, set simple guidelines. These can include hem length, textile type and color combinations while leaving the cut and style to their imaginations. After all, your bridesmaids do have different body sizes and shapes so it is only right that you leave them to decide on what cut suits them best.

Scour the Internet

If you are Netizen, then you must know of the goldmine that the Internet is for cheapskates, or at least, for those looking to find good bargains. In fact, with a little online haggling skill on your part, you can save up to 25% of the list price!

Another source of cheap bridesmaid dresses are discount mail-order sites, which offer 20-40 percent the prices in stores. Plus, you get to shop without leaving the home, which means more savings!

Bridesmaid dress

Check Out the Department Stores

Don’t discount prom dresses at department stores. You can actually convert these into bridesmaid dresses, maybe with a little alteration to take out the prom details like ribbons and bows.

Or better yet, you can always ask for the department stores’ catalogs for more choices. This way, your bridesmaids can look at the pictures first before deciding on initial selections that you can then order for them. You will have to decide whether you will split the cost with them or apply Dutch treat.

Bridesmaid dress


If you are nimble with your hands at the sewing machine and you still have time on your hands, then you can always sew the bridesmaid dresses yourself. Or better yet, assign one of the bridesmaids with similar talent to help you with the task.

This ought to save you and your bridesmaids tons of money simply because the professional fee of designers take the most cut out of the total cost of the dress. Besides, it will be fun looking for the textile, choosing the right design and sewing the dresses with the girls!

In all your efforts to save on costs for the bridesmaid dresses, one dictum remains true. Always make sure that your bridesmaids will be comfortable wearing them during your wedding day. You want them to be happy, too, and be happy for you!

Besides, do you really want to look at your wedding pictures 10 years from your wedding day and say “Yikes! My bridesmaids looked like Frankenstein’s harem”? Probably not! is one of the best bridal shops in Mississauga that offers excellent wedding favors and bridesmaid dresses.Visit them now!