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9 Tips to Choose The Playlist for Your Wedding Ceremony

9 Tips to Choose The Playlist for Your Wedding Ceremony

Have you ever been to a wedding where, even though everything else about it was perfect, the moment the music began playing, the vibe in the room took a turn for the worse? The songs played were irrelevant and mismatched the overall tone.

You don’t want such a disastrous experience at your wedding. 

The appropriate wedding songs can set the mood for your perfect wedding. It can also make the reception a once-in-a-lifetime experience for you and your guests.

We have nine tips for choosing the playlist for your wedding ceremony to save you from such embarrassment. 

Continue reading 9 Tips to Choose The Playlist for Your Wedding Ceremony
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11 Major Mistakes to Avoid when you are newly engaged

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with a person, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

This quote is very true for newly engaged couples. Being newly engaged is a lovely phase in everyone’s life. It is perhaps the most romantic part of your love story; a time when nothing can possibly seem to go wrong.

As romantic and exciting as this phase is, remember that this chapter also leads to a bigger, even more exciting and chaotic phase—planning the wedding! However, this stage comes with a fair set of challenges and not all are able to handle it easily. There are some common mistakes that many newly engaged couples make and regret in the coming days. Do you know what they are?

Let us look at this list of what to avoid when you are newly engaged, so that your engagement is memorable for all the right reasons.

1.Not announcing your engagement to the most important people first

You are undoubtedly pretty excited about your engagement. It is only natural that you feel tempted to shout about it from the rooftops. Or, in the modern and more efficient version, share your big news on social media. However, remember that this is no trivial news. So, it is only right to first tell it to those who matter the most to each of you and as a couple. Let the rest of the world wait a little longer to hear. Visit your parents and break the news to them. Or if they are far away, pick up the phone and tell them personally. Next, inform your close friends and family. Once you are done with personally informing all those in your close circle, climb up the roof or login to Facebook and make your big announcement.

2.Revealing too much on social media

Making the big announcement is one thing, flooding everyone’s news feeds on Facebook with your news is another thing altogether. Contain your excitement, at least where sharing your news is concerned. Your friends will be eager to know. However, it can be rather irritating when you overdo the stuff you share on social media. Don’t annoy everyone with your openness and limit the amount of information you share. It isn’t necessary to post every update about your wedding planning online either. This can even be dangerous, as your news will be available to everyone. It will make you vulnerable to scams and cause unnecessary confusion if those you didn’t expect turned up at your celebratory events assuming your discussion or post was akin to an invitation.

3.Asking friends and family to be in your bridal party immediately

Wedding planning can be tortuous once you get into the details. So, it is important to think every decision through. Don’t be tempted to simply invite or ask people you love to be in your bridal party. These decisions are best made after you do your due research. Even if you are sure of who should be in your bridal party, play it safe and wait till you are certain before you ask. It is likely that your wedding will be after quite a while. Relationships can change in the meanwhile, situations may come in the way. So, wait till the time is ripe to make your final decisions in this matter.

4.Rushing to settle on a date

Now that you are engaged, a wedding is definitely on the cards. Though you shouldn’t procrastinate indefinitely, neither should you be hasty with your decisions. Don’t quickly decide on a likely wedding date. Instead take your time with this important decision. Consult each other and think of all the factors that you should account for. You will have to find a date on which your preferred vendors are available, the venue is available and so on.

Most couples don’t really consider or plan for a wedding before they are actually engaged. So, take your time with this important decision and you won’t regret it later. Once you lock down on a date, you have limited options in other areas. So, be sure of your decision before you commit to it. It is also a good idea to run likely dates by your family and friends before making a final decision.

5.Not considering budget

Setting the wedding budget is one of the first and foremost wedding planning tasks. Tackle it as a priority. Every wedding decision you make will cost you money. However, how much you spend on each aspect of the wedding shouldn’t happen along the way, or you can run into debt. Talk about your financial situation with each other and plan a practical budget. If your parents will be contributing, you should find out how much they intend to spend. Once you are aware of the maximum you can afford to spend on your wedding, split it into components for each wedding task.

A proper idea of your wedding budget will also allow you to make choices such as whether you should hire a wedding planner or undertake the task yourself. With a good sense of your financial situation and a practical budget, you can approach your wedding planning in a sensible manner. This is also the time to discuss and understand each of your financial situations and suitably plan your future commitments as a couple.

6.Rushing with the wedding preparations

Most couples end up having time for little else, once they begin wedding planning. However, don’t forget that you are in a new chapter in your life. Savor the moment, for it will never return. This romantic phase in your life deserves to be celebrated, and it is also the time for you and your fiance to bond. The wedding preparations can wait. Once you are engaged, don’t rush into the next stage. Instead enjoy some time together and you will be all set to start planning your wedding with full gusto.

Have an engagement party or celebrate with an intimate affair. You can even have an engagement photo shoot. The additional advantage of this idea is that you can also use this as a selection process for your wedding photographer. However, as this post on the Huff Post mentions, the real reason to have an engagement photo shoot is to document this special time in your life. Make fond memories of your newly-engaged status, and it will be something to hold close to your heart forever.

7.Booking vendors without thinking it through

Most hasty decisions during wedding planning end in regret. You will have to book several vendors for your wedding. However, each of these decisions deserve thought and research. In your hurry, don’t hasten to book a vendor till you are absolutely sure you require this particular service. If you rethink your theme, you may find a better deal if you look further. When you hire the services of a wedding planner, it is likely that he or she will have their own recommended list of vendors. Or they may negotiate on your behalf and snag you a better bargain from the same vendor. So, give it enough thought when you make your decision and book vendors only if you are certain. Also, don’t forget to read the contract thoroughly. Ensure there are no chances of error if you go with a particular vendor choice.

8.Booking your wedding dress shopping appointment before you finalize anything else

It is a known fact that wedding dress shopping takes time. There is also the waiting time after placing your order, till when your dress is ready for delivery. Nonetheless, wedding dress shopping should be done after proper research. You should also wait till you fix the other details of your wedding. The venue, weather at the time of your wedding and wedding theme are important factors to consider when choosing a wedding gown. Unless you know these factors, it is best to wait before you book a wedding dress appointment.

We also suggest that you do sufficient research before you go wedding dress shopping. Or you may drown in the numerous options available, and end up confused and overwhelmed. Instead, create an inspiration board and collect pictures of dresses you love. Also identify the best silhouettes for your body shape. Finally, short list the dress features you love most and only then head off for your dress appointment.

9.Agreeing to all proposals without thinking it through

Once you announce your engagement, your friends or associates may approach you with offers for wedding-related services. This could be a relative or friend who runs a wedding-related business or someone who wishes to be in the bridal party. Don’t ever commit to anyone at this stage, as it can spell disaster in the long run.

It is never a good idea to mix relationships with business, unless you are sure you can speak your mind or are sure the person in question is a pure professional. Gratefully accept all proposals and tell your friends and associates that you will think over it. Never agree to anything without actually thinking it through. You can always say that you have to consult your fiance or consider whether the suggestion fits with the wedding theme you have in mind. Only agree to any proposal for help after you are sure it will work out. Also ensure that you will not strain your relationship with the person by this offer of help.

10.Skipping the all-important long discussion with your fiance

Ideally, you should discuss all your important life decisions prior to the engagement. Nonetheless, it is never too late to discuss your priorities and plans with your fiance, before you proceed with wedding planning. Couples should be clear about a number of factors that will affect their future, before they take the plunge. Finances, family relationships, career goals and even retirement plans are on the horizon and will affect your marriage to a great extent.

Make sure that you discuss each and all these factors. There may be compromises that either of you have to make. You may also have to get your priorities straight, so there is no misunderstanding later. Get it all out in the open, so you can start this new phase in your life in the right way.

11.Going crazy over Pinterest

Pinterest is a valuable tool when planning a wedding. So, you should dedicate a good amount of your time to it, when planning your wedding. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all of your engagement period. You can end up ogling pretty details and obsessing over what you ought to copy to your wedding. However, remember that this is all there only for inspiration. Get the idea, but head out and plan your own unique way to make your wedding remarkable.

Once you complete a wedding-related task, say buying your wedding dress, resist the temptation to revisit Pinterest for the same. It is likely you will find a new dress that appeals more. So, don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Believe that you made the best decision possible and move on to the next task. This is the only way to prevent yourself from a  Pinterest-obsession and all the other wedding eye-candy on the internet.

Your engagement period is an exciting time. Nonetheless, it is also full of challenges of every sort. While you have to do most of the decision making yourself, we have the perfect solutions for your wedding day look. Visit us online or in-store, and our team will assist you in finding the perfect wedding dress for your special day.

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6 helpful things to know before you start wedding planning

Now that you are newly engaged and finished celebrating your engagement party with your dear folks, are you all set to dive into wedding planning? Just wait a second! There are certain things that you should be aware of, before you start wedding planning. These will help you save a lot of money, as well as make your planning process a lot easier.

Today, let us take a look at a handful of helpful tips to use when planning your wedding. Trust us, it will save you a lot of confusion and regrets later. And, here they are!

1.Booking the venue—what to remember

castle venue

While factors like matching your wedding theme, the ease of reaching the location and number of people it can accommodate are all relevant factors, there are some things to remember, if you are on a budget. They are:

Peak wedding months are expensive: June to August is peak wedding season, and everything is at a premium cost during this time. Consider getting married earlier in the year, when winter is no longer as severe, and spring is just about to arrive. Or, you can consider early fall for your wedding, as venues often slash their prices this time of the year.

Don’t hesitate to ask for a discount: Don’t assume that the price you receive on your venue is final! Even if it is just falls within your budget, don’t quickly jump at the quote and book the venue right away. Negotiate with the venue manager and find out if there is any possibility of getting it at a lower price. If you are lucky, you may get yourself a better bargain.

Look at alternatives, before visiting your preferred location: This helps in two ways. First, you will know which option you will consider, should your first choice not work out. Secondly, it allows you to know what else is on offer, and make a wise decision based on it. As with anything wedding related, it is a good idea to research and explore your choices before you settle down with what you actually choose for the wedding.

2.Wedding planner—what are the options


Booking a wedding planner will make your wedding planning a lot easier. However, you should know that there are different options, and depending on what you choose, the service you receive and the price you pay will be different. So, let us take a look at what are your options.

Event planners: This is the whole package, where the planner will be involved in every aspect of planning your wedding. They will literally do your job for you, and will be responsible for executing everything at your wedding and making sure there are no hassles on the day. Event planners are quite expensive, as they will be working on your wedding for several months and you have to compensate them for their time and effort.

Part-time planners: This is where you do not outsource the entire wedding planning process, but only selected aspects that you aren’t able to handle yourself. This is more budget-friendly, as you can delegate the tasks that you do not have the time for, and pay only for it. Since you will be doing the greater share of the work, you will find it much cheaper than booking an event planner. If you are naturally organized and want to personally oversee your wedding details, this may be the right option for you.

Day-of coordinator: Even if you are handling everything about your wedding yourself, a day-of coordinator should definitely be considered. This is because you do not want to worry yourself with last-minute details on your wedding day. If you want a stress-free wedding day, a day-of coordinator can take charge of managing the various factors on that day. They will see that everything progresses smoothly and as per plan, leaving you to enjoy your wedding as you should.

Once you choose which of these services meets your needs best, again discuss the charges with the people you consider for the job. Compare the rates for an all-inclusive package with one for customized services, and choose the one that is best for your budget and needs.

3.Before paying for Wedding Entertainment

Choosing between a DJ and a band can be really confusing. You may be under the general impression that a DJ costs much lesser than a band. However, it can be quite expensive to book a good DJ who can actually make your party come alive. There are ways in which you can get a reasonable quote for a band too, and here are some tips for that.

Look for experienced student groups: If there is a music school in your area, you may be in luck. Student groups are usually energetic, exciting and just as efficient as a trained band in creating a lively party atmosphere. The bonus is that they cost much less. So, if you are up for the risk, look around for such a band.

Ask for the breakup charges: Instead of just being shocked by the overall quote from a band, ask them for the breakup costs. If it includes transportation, see if you can arrange a cheaper alternative and save some cash that way. Also, look at the list of musicians and ask if you can downsize to just those who you actually need.

4.Before you go wedding shopping

Cool wedding accessories for the winter bride

Wedding dresses are crucial to transforming you into a splendid bride, however they can be quite pricey. Before you step into the shop, do your research and know your options. Here are some ways to make the most of your wedding dress budget.

Consider more than one style: If you keep your options open, it is easier to find a dress that falls within budget. Do your research ahead of time, and identify which styles will look good on you. Then look at dresses in these styles and choose the one that you are satisfied with, both in look and in price.

Look at the clearance and sale section: Many bridal shops like Best for Bride, will always have dresses on discounts and on sale. Before you look at the latest collection, it may be a good idea to see what is available in the sale section. You may find a dress that is quite similar to what you love in the current collection, at a fraction of a price.

Wait for trunk shows: Trunk shows are a bride’s dream-come-true, especially if you are in a standard 8-12 size group. These shows allow you to find the dress of your dreams at a reduced cost. If you are engaged for a year or more, it is likely that you will come across at least one trunk show during this time. So, call up the boutiques in the area and find out whether they have one scheduled in the near future. Put off your wedding shopping session till after wards, so you can take a chance and hope to find your wedding dress at the trunk show.

Save on alterations: When you fix your wedding dress budget, you also have to account for the alteration charges for the dress. It is highly unlikely that you will perfectly fit into a dress you find off-the-rack. So, you will have to pay extra to alter it to fit you. However, you will have to pay less on alterations if you take care of the following factors

  • find a dress that is closest to your actual size, neither too big nor too small
  • not make expensive custom changes, like altering the neckline or design feature as any amount of rework will cost more money

Rent your dress: If you really want to make the most of your wedding dress budget, consider renting the dress instead of buying it. At shops like Best for Bride, the rental section has ample choices in different sizes. You can rent the dress along with the accessories for a fraction of the original cost, and not worry about boxing or caring for the dress afterwards and put the money to some other use. Alternately, you can also scour the internet for unused dresses on sales, that usually are a great bargain as they are brand new, but not as expensive as a fresh piece in a shop.

5.Before you take any pictures


Wedding photography is an essential for every wedding, and you can choose from different types and packages based on your preferences and budget. Before you even set out to look for a photographer, consider how you want your wedding photographs to be captured. The different types of wedding photography include:

Traditional: The classic portrait style photographs with group pictures in specified poses.

Casual: Candid photography, where the photographer captures casual and original moments of the day, and shoots from unconventional angles. The photographer aims to recreate the memories of the day, by capturing the wedding with the most relevant and unique pictures that characterize the wedding.

A mix of the two: Here, the photographer uses both casual and posed portraits to completely cover the wedding.

Art-style: Here the focus is on creating one-of-a-kind photographs that transcend into the realm of art. It is anything but traditional.

Depending on your personal taste, you can decide upon the type of photography to have at your wedding, and then find photographers who work with the style you choose. Some tips to help you, before you start shortlisting photographers are as follows.

Compare packages and custom deals: You may not always require all that is included in a photographer’s package. If this is the case, ask if you can have a custom quote based on what you require. This is also useful if you need an extra service from what is included in a package deal.

Discuss how many hours you will need the photographer to cover your wedding: Before you meet with a photographer, be clear on how much time you will need his services for. You must make sure that he will be available for the important events both at the start and the end of the day. If he charges overtime rates for staying beyond certain number of hours, and in case your wedding goes on for longer than anticipated, make sure you know in advance.

6.The food factor


There are many factors that decide the food expenses you will have to incur. Factors to consider when choosing your caterer are as follows.

Choice of menu: Remember that gourmet meals will cost more than standard meals. So, let the choice of cuisine be one of the guiding factors in determining your food budget. The overall presentation and whether the dishes have to be created fresh on-site or can be prepared in advance will also decide the catering cost.

Buffet or plated-style: Buffets and plated meals, both have their own pros and cons. The sensible and budget-friendly option is to have a mix of both styles. This means you can use shared platters for the main meal, while individual portions are served as starters. This will minimize wastage and maximize the value for money.

This brings us to the end of the various factors that will prevent a headache for you, later. Do your research and plan the possible workable options for each of these choices, and you will be able to work it out very easily.

Best for Bride is a wedding shop that brings you the latest and trendiest in wedding gowns, bridesmaids dresses and attire for the wedding party. We also have invitations, wedding favors and services like wedding cakes, décor arrangements and florists. Visit our online bridal shop to learn more about all our services, and also find out about the latest offers, discounts and sales we have. Experience the best of bridal shopping with our seasoned bridal consultants who will assist you in finding the dream gown for your big day. For a fun-filled and enjoyable experience, contact us today and book your appointment.

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Digital Love Story: Key Elements Every Wedding Website Should Include!

A wedding website is nearly indispensable in today’s wedding scene. It is a practical and easy way to share and find all the necessary information about a wedding, and so is a must-have for every couple planning a wedding.

With the increase in interest in creating wedding websites, there are many options today. This makes it easier for couples who want to set one up, and the best thing is that it is possible to do even if you are not very tech-savvy.

Throughout this article, we will not only look at different options that will help you set up your wedding website but also what it should contain and how you can make sure it works well and helps you with your wedding plans. Let’s begin.


Why you should have a wedding website!

For those of you who haven’t ever considered this a necessity, here is why you should have a wedding website

  • It provides your guests a one-stop destination for all the information they require bout the wedding
  • You can share everything from your proposal and registry details to venue information and even photos on your wedding website
  • It is a platform that makes collection of RSVP’s and updating your wedding registry easy and straightforward
  • It is a representation of the couple, and the perfect way to give your guests a sneak-peek into what is in store for the wedding
  • Wedding websites are the way to go for the environment-conscious couple, as it allows them to minimize on paper stationery for not-so-essential invitation enclosures. This information can be made available on the website instead
  • It gives you a place to share your wedding photos online after the big event.
  • It will remind you of your big milestone event long after it is over, thus making it a valuable resource in many ways.

Now that you know why a wedding website is a good idea, here is how you can get started on it.

How to create a wedding website

Wedding website screenshot
Image Credits: D.Hayes, via Flickr, CC BY 2.0

You have plenty of options to make your wedding website. You can either use a wedding website builder or purchase your own domain and design your website from scratch. While few of these are free, most of them charge a nominal price for hosting your details.

We find that website builders specifically tailored to weddings are the best way to go, as it isn’t necessary that all couples are technically capable of building their own website from scratch. So, this is what we will focus on here. Some of our favorite wedding website builders are:

Appy Couple

This trending favorite provides you both a mobile application as well as a wedding website when you sign up. You can choose your layout, design and colors from a range of options that are all very attractive. Benefits include changing your design anytime you want, straightforward pricing structure and impressive website design options. Customizing a website is easy as you can simply add the details to each available aspect. It guides you through the process and simplifies the entire construction process, so you have a professional-looking website in no time.

Wedding Jojo

With 8 different themes to choose from, Wedding Jojo provides you a custom domain that will contain all your event information. You can share your wedding photos with guests, create your online guest-book, manage your RSVP’s and share necessary information with your guests on this website. You can choose between “Taster” and “Full Slice” options, depending on whether you want all the works or prefer to settle for the most essential ones. Find out all about creating your Wedding Jojo account, by visiting their website here.

The Knot wedding website

Constantly recommended as a leading wedding planner application, the Knot also offers a wedding website builder of excellent quality. The added benefit is that it is a free service, where you still have plenty of options to choose from. You can choose from over 80 designs to set up your website. It also allows you to switch between designs any time, if you aren’t happy with your original choice. The website features include a registry home, RSVP and guest management system, as well as photo galleries for those important events leading up to the wedding. Get started today by clicking on this link.

Wedding Window

A website builder with a difference, the wedding window adds a fun element to the regular wedding websites. It is fun to create, and your guests will enjoy scrolling through it. You can also enjoy with unlimited customization options. The basic package is free for one year and is sufficient for most couples. Now, if you must have additional features, the premium packages are a bargain for the cool features they include. It is also tailored to help guests who are traveling from abroad by providing them instructions and information in their local language using Google translator. Find out more for yourself by visiting their home page here.

There are many more website builders out there, and you can take a look at all that is available before making your pick. We suggest that you visit this article on the Huffington Post, to see the other impressive packages that may work for you.

What should your wedding website contain?

Once you have chosen the website builder that will aid you in creating your wedding website, it is time to look at what your website should contain.

If you go with any of the recommended options, you will find that most of them already have tabs for the various aspects relevant to weddings. You needn’t fill in all the information, and can go with only what you deem necessary. Nevertheless, every wedding website should contain certain details that are usually sought by the guests. This is what they are.

#Your photo


Your website should have a face (or rather faces!), so it personifies you. Do this by adding a well-captured photo of the two of you on the home page. You can also add pretty pictures to the side bars of the other tabs, as long as your website builder has options for it.

#Date and Time

This is the main information conveyed through your wedding invitation, and it is not just sensible, but necessary as well to have it on your website too. You can add it to the Home Page and also have it somewhere in a noticeable location on the remaining pages as well. Specify the date and the time when the ceremony is to start. If the reception is also to be held at the same venue, don’t forget to mention the time for it as well. If the reception is held elsewhere, convey this information on the website, along with the time at which it will be held, to avoid any confusion.

Tip: If your wedding is in winter, or your venue is difficult to find, set the event time on your website as half an hour earlier than actually planned. This way guests will have enough time to reach there before the ceremony begins.

Venue information

castle venue

Since you have only so much space to provide all information regarding your wedding venue on your invitation, give as much detail as is possible about the venue and how to get there, on your website. This should include the detailed address, directions to reach there and contact numbers in case of doubt. Most websites allow you to embed a Google map which can provide them clear directions. Make use of it as it will be very helpful for your guests. If there are any landmarks that will make it easy to locate the place, provide this information too. You can even add a picture of your venue, if you want to. Wherever possible, it may be a good idea to offer a download option for the venue map as many guests may prefer to print it out for reference.

Registry Information

It is traditional wedding etiquette to not include your wedding registry information on your invitation. Nevertheless, your guests will want to know where you are registered so they can get you a gift that will actually be useful. Use your wedding website for this purpose. Some stores allow you to link to their websites from your page directly. Make use of this feature if it is available. If not, simply provide your registry details and your guests can find their way there. Remember to keep your registry constantly updated and complete with a list of items of varying prices, so guests have enough options to choose from. The idea is to keep it varied, and update it if one item has already been chosen, so you do not end up with multiples, unless that’s what you want. Please find out more about planning a good wedding registry by visiting our article here.

Hotel stay and accommodation options

There will likely be at least a few out-of-town guests attending your wedding. Assuming that they will want to stay overnight in town, it would be very helpful if you can provide them a list of decent hotels or accommodation options to look at and book for their stay. Keep your list varied with hotels in differing price ranges, and don’t forget to include their contact information, distance from the venue and any other relevant information that they may be useful.

RSVP form


The easiest way for your guests to confirm attendance at the event is to fill out their RSVP forms online. So, use this feature on your website to make a note of who all will be attending. The website builder may allow you to create a custom form asking for the details such as name of person, how many will be attending and any other specific message. Make sure to add your online RSVP’s to the list of those who send in their replies by post, so you do not miss out anyone when creating your guest list.

Comments or question-and-answer page

Although your guests will likely contact you over the phone or by email if they want any specific query addressed, having a page on your website is helpful. This will allow them to promptly address their doubts, if they have any concerns while on your website. Just make sure that you check it often and reply to their questions as soon as is possible, or it defeats the purpose of having such a page. The other advantage of having this page is that it gives guests who cannot attend your wedding a place to put in their wishes or add a message to you.

The little extras that can make your website truly special

cake topper

The above list gives an outline of all the information that is essential for a wedding website. Once this is done, we can look at what extra touches you can add to make your website truly special and personal. Here are some options to consider.

  • If you want to share the exciting tale of how you met, the magical proposal or any other trivia regarding your relationship or the two of you, this is the place to do it.
  • Photo albums of the engagement, bridal shower, bachelorette party and later the wedding and honeymoon pictures
  • You can highlight the importance of your wedding party by adding their pictures and names, thus giving them the special attention they deserve at your wedding
  • Online guest book where your guests can write their messages, comments and wishes quickly and easily
  • Pictures of the two of you as this is something that everyone will be keen to see

Remember to keep the website agog with activity and update it frequently so the information is relevant and correct. Once you have your website set up, it will be one fun place where we are sure you’ll hang out quite a lot!

And, for the rest of your wedding needs, Best for Bride is the other place you should frequently visit. To transform yourself into the beautiful bride you deserve, visit the Best for Bride website and find everything you need from your wedding dress, bridal party dresses, accessories and more.