Pears, round and luscious, have been serving as some of the most in-demand choices in the world for engagement rings. Pear Shape Engagement Rings are known mainly for their elongated sparkle and shimmering symmetry. Be sure that picking one of these rings will bring an instant smile to the lips of your beloved. You will get a unique shape with hang-ups. Perfect pear engagement ring serves in the form of a hybrid of a round and a marquise cut, and in this regard, you will find a tapered point on one end and a rounded edge on the other, affecting size perception. Pear-diamond is set in a ring that has a pointed end typically oriented towards the wearer’s nail.
With that, you will find the diamond appears larger than the actual size, maximizing finger coverage. An elongated shape allows pear cuts to have more surface area than a round diamond of the same carat weight. That being said, with the choice of one of the pieces, you will find a reflection of more light and the creation of a bigger visual impact. Get what appears to be a larger stone for the same budget. Rest assured that you will get the true pears less expensive per carat than a round cut. With the choice of one of the pieces, you will be spending about 20% less overall. Get the 4Cs (Cut, Colour, Clarity, & Carat) with the best features that will stand out.
Continue reading Pear Shape Engagement Rings For the Addition of an Elongated Look to the Fingers