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4 great ways to have an environment friendly wedding

If there is one event in your life which deserves some extravaganza, it is your wedding. Every couple considers having a grand wedding with some pomp and show, so that it is special and remembered long after it is over.

Nevertheless, it is time we all thought seriously about the environmental impact that weddings have. After all, weddings are not your average eco-friendly events. Research by the Examiner reveals that the average wedding produces nearly 63 tons of CO2, causing significant environmental damage. Fortunately, there are certain measures that you can employ to have a green wedding, without compromising on having a fantastic day. Here are some suggestions for you to consider.

via Best for Bride

Cut down on paper

Weddings involve lots of paper, from save-the-date cards and Thank you cards to escort cards and programs. An average wedding invitation has anywhere between 3 and 8 pieces of paper. If you are truly concerned about how many trees go into creating this bulk of paper, consider going paperless. But, if you do not want to compromise on tradition by choosing the email route, keep your wedding stationery to a minimum. Or, you could also choose tree-free paper for all your needs and seed paper is one such trend that is growing in popularity.

Go with what is local and seasonal

Cut flowers used in wedding arrangements can have a huge environmental impact, as they are often shipped from far away countries and are grown in greenhouses using pesticides and fertilizers. Add a distinct touch to your floral arrangements by choosing local flower varieties and allow your florist to customize your bouquet with what is in season. This not only allows you to cut down on your wedding expenses, but also helps you score extra green points.

Minimize wastage by choosing reusable centerpieces and decor arrangements

Most of the elements used in wedding decor end up in the trash following the ceremony. Stretch your money further by reusing the decor elements at the ceremony site at the reception too, but only if you have the time to do so. A better idea is to employ reusable decor elements like bamboo, potted plants, fruits and organic elements like seashells in your decor that can be donated or gifted. You could consider small shoots of lucky bamboo as your wedding favors, or give away your centerpieces to your guests as they leave the ceremony to minimize wastage. Also choose containers that you can use in your new home.

Go green with your wedding dress

If you want your own special wedding dress for your big day, so be it. Otherwise, consider renting your wedding dress or restyling your mother’s wedding dress, and giving it a new lease of life. With rental services, like we have at Best for Bride, you can find a fabulous wedding dress for a fraction of the original cost, and not worry about maintaining or preserving it after your big day. Since this will be worn by another bride once again, the dress is put to maximum use—thus becoming a better environmental choice.

Which of these ideas would you like to consider for your wedding day? If you like the idea of renting a wedding dress, visit us at Best for Bride to find a fabulous choice. Visit our online link at Best for Bride for all the details about renting a wedding dress from us.

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Plan your wedding after picking your top priorities

Your wedding plans depend on the amount of money you are ready to spend. With thousands of big and small details to look at, it is often difficult to determine what deserves more attention than the other.

If you are like most couples, your wedding may be the first occasion when you plan a party, so huge. So, it certainly isn’t easy. If you enlist the help of a wedding planner, you will receive very useful guidance on this front. This is because they are professionals, who have practice planning on a budget. Additionally, when working with a wedding planner, you don’t end up with nasty shockers like mentioned on this APW article, where something turns out to be twice the price you anticipated. One or two such instances, and all your budgeting goes for a toss. Nonetheless, wedding planners come at an added price, and not every couple can afford them.

In such a scenario, the easiest way is to prioritize what is most important to you, and plan your budget around it. Pick three priorities, allocate funds to these first, and then decide how to distribute the rest of your budget.

Take a look at this list, and choose the three most important things you want for your wedding from it. Once you do, you can divvy up your budget to accommodate the remaining details.

Dream venue and décor

Are you open to looking at various venue options, or do you have your heart set on a single location? All-inclusive wedding packages cover everything at a reasonable price, but do you want everything customized with the added price tag? Are you particular on a specific color palette, seating arrangement, or centerpiece design? If so, set aside a chunk of your budget for all


Menu and bar

Must you have a classic five-course plated meal, or will a buffet do? Do you want an open bar, or serve custom drinks only? Do you want your wedding to be remembered for the food and drinks you served, or is it just one of the other things at your wedding? Hiring local vendors and customizing your menu around seasonal dishes can reduce your food bill, if serving gourmet fare isn’t very important, to you.


Entertainment and photography

Wedding entertainment, in many cases, is what makes a reception a hit or miss. Here, you have to weigh the price of a live band against a DJ, consider the cost of games and hiring special entertainers for children. Similarly, do you want a particular professional photographer to cover your wedding, even if it means he charges twice as much as the others in the area?


Flowers, centerpieces, wedding cakes and favors

If you are prepared to try out various floral combinations, you may get a better deal. Similarly, how important is having exquisite centerpieces? As for favors, do you want to gift expensive one-of-a-kind favors, or is it enough to choose a keepsake, without a hefty price attached to it? In the cake department, how important is customizing it with very specific details? Or can you work with the best packages on offer?


bouquet-603738_1280Dresses for the couple

The wedding dress is expensive. Do you want to buy it brand new, or is it better to rent your dress, or even use mom’s dress, and save the rest of the money for something more important to you? The same goes for the groom too. If you plan on keeping the dress, figure in the cost of professionally preserving it as well.

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Visit our bridal gallery on Best for Bride, and find wedding dresses in all budgets for your big day. We make the decision much easier for you.

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Elegant on a Budget: Smart Cost-Cutting Strategies for Your Dream Wedding!

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Weddings are expensive affairs, but with smart planning, you have scope to cut your wedding costs. A few small adjustments that won’t significantly affect the overall picture will help you save money. Even so, you can still have the fantastic wedding you wished for.

Let us look at some ideas that will help you make this possible.

Venue and date

Weekend weddings are the costliest. Consider getting married on a weekday, and you can cut expenses. Make it a long weekend by getting married on Friday instead of Saturday.

Via Flickr
Via Flickr

Summer and spring are peak wedding seasons. Get married in fall or winter, and you can book your chosen venue at an off-peak season rate, and save up to 15%. Use it to splurge on your honeymoon. An added bonus is that it is easier to book your favorite vendors and venue, as there is lesser competition for dates in winter.

Look for venues that already look good with the available details, so you won’t have to spend too much on dressing it up. This is easier if your wedding theme is rustic or casual.

Cut down guests

Excuse children and coworkers from your wedding list, and you will cut your guest list considerably. Keep the ceremony small but meaningful by having those who really matter to you in it. Similarly stick to the essential number of attendants at your wedding. This will help you cut down on bouquet and boutonniere costs, dressing up expenses, favours, accommodation and transportation.

Look for all-inclusive or discount deals


This may not allow you to have all the details you wanted in your wedding, but remember that all-inclusive packages and discount deals are way cheaper than when you make separate arrangements for everything. If you can get a discount voucher for your wedding accessories when you buy your wedding gown, it is a good deal that will allow you to save some money.

Also check out gowns in the clearance and discount section, and find one that is cheaper, yet works. Similarly, if a wedding venue comes with an on-site co-ordinator, you can have them do necessary arrangements at a reduced cost than if you hired someone just for the job.

Opt for seasonal elements

Where flower and food choices for your reception are concerned, you can snag a better bargain by going for what is in-season and available locally. There are plenty of flowers that make spectacular bouquets and centerpieces, and you needn’t always choose the exotic varieties for it to look attractive. Think out of the box, and you may be able to create a unique statement without breaking the bank. Reduce the height of centerpieces and use colorful and cost-effective flowers like carnations that aren’t expensive, but still impress.

Master the art of DIY


You shouldn’t attempt some things, like altering your wedding dress, unless you know what you are doing. But, you can do plenty otherwise, and save some money without hiring someone to do it for you. These include your makeup and hairstyle, finding party favors and writing thank-you notes. Ask your friends or family to pitch-in and help. Search for bargains and bulk deals for party favors, customize them yourself and avoid spending a fortune.

For more wedding tips and advice, visit us on Best for Bride.

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A guide to the flowers for your summer wedding

There are a few advantages to planning your wedding with flowers that are available locally and are in season. Firstly, these will be budget-friendly choices. Secondly, since there is no shipping involved, you do not have to worry about not receiving the flowers or your bouquet ending up looking different from your idea. The third and final factor is that you make an environment-friendly choice when you opt for locally available and seasonal flowers, as the exotic varieties are usually grown in greenhouses.

If you are planning a summer wedding, here are a list of summer flowers and also few tips to help you choose from them.


Tips to choose the right flowers for summer

In summer, the temperatures are high. This means your flowers will wilt quickly. This is an important factor to consider if you have an outdoor wedding planned, as nothing ruins the ambiance of a wedding like wilted and tired looking blooms.

When you choose your flowers for your wedding, pay attention to the following:

  • Choose flowers that are locally available. These will be accustomed to the weather conditions and will stay fresh longer. Also, they can be cut just on time, and so will remain fresh longer.
  • When choosing flowers, look for those with a waxy texture. These flowers do not wilt easily.
  • Keep the flowers and bouquets out of the sun. If your ceremony is outdoors, make sure that the floral centerpieces and any other floral décor in the shade.
  • Handle the flowers with care. This is something you should follow all-year round, but flowers are more prone to getting crumpled and looking tired when the weather is hot and the moisture is low.
  • Keep a spray bottle at hand and spray your wedding bouquet every now and then, so it remains fresh throughout the day.
  • For centerpieces, consider potted plants or place cut flowers in water, so they look fresh throughout the function.

Flowers that are suitable for summer

There are two types of flowers that are best suited for your summer wedding: those that are available all-year round and those that bloom in summer. The benefits of choosing such varieties of flowers are that these flowers are used to the warm weather and so make the best choices.

Depending on your wedding venue, you may like to talk to your florist and find out which of these can be locally sourced and make your choice accordingly.

  • Garden roses: These are our summer favorites and are available in many colors including orange, rose and white.


  • Chamomile daisies: Cheery summer flowers that make spectacular fillers, you can use these anywhere.


  • Sunflowers: For a wedding palette that has yellow, sunflowers are the perfect choice that add big bright pops of tropical cheer.


  • Dahlias: Less is more when you go with dahlias. They add texture and quickly add bulk to a wedding bouquet without compromising on beauty.


For more floral inspiration and to look at some spectacular wedding bouquet designs, visit us at Best for Bride.