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11 Major Mistakes to Avoid when you are newly engaged

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with a person, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

This quote is very true for newly engaged couples. Being newly engaged is a lovely phase in everyone’s life. It is perhaps the most romantic part of your love story; a time when nothing can possibly seem to go wrong.

As romantic and exciting as this phase is, remember that this chapter also leads to a bigger, even more exciting and chaotic phase—planning the wedding! However, this stage comes with a fair set of challenges and not all are able to handle it easily. There are some common mistakes that many newly engaged couples make and regret in the coming days. Do you know what they are?

Let us look at this list of what to avoid when you are newly engaged, so that your engagement is memorable for all the right reasons.

1.Not announcing your engagement to the most important people first

You are undoubtedly pretty excited about your engagement. It is only natural that you feel tempted to shout about it from the rooftops. Or, in the modern and more efficient version, share your big news on social media. However, remember that this is no trivial news. So, it is only right to first tell it to those who matter the most to each of you and as a couple. Let the rest of the world wait a little longer to hear. Visit your parents and break the news to them. Or if they are far away, pick up the phone and tell them personally. Next, inform your close friends and family. Once you are done with personally informing all those in your close circle, climb up the roof or login to Facebook and make your big announcement.

2.Revealing too much on social media

Making the big announcement is one thing, flooding everyone’s news feeds on Facebook with your news is another thing altogether. Contain your excitement, at least where sharing your news is concerned. Your friends will be eager to know. However, it can be rather irritating when you overdo the stuff you share on social media. Don’t annoy everyone with your openness and limit the amount of information you share. It isn’t necessary to post every update about your wedding planning online either. This can even be dangerous, as your news will be available to everyone. It will make you vulnerable to scams and cause unnecessary confusion if those you didn’t expect turned up at your celebratory events assuming your discussion or post was akin to an invitation.

5 Tips Every Newly Engaged Couple Needs To Know

3.Asking friends and family to be in your bridal party immediately

Wedding planning can be tortuous once you get into the details. So, it is important to think every decision through. Don’t be tempted to simply invite or ask people you love to be in your bridal party. These decisions are best made after you do your due research. Even if you are sure of who should be in your bridal party, play it safe and wait till you are certain before you ask. It is likely that your wedding will be after quite a while. Relationships can change in the meanwhile, situations may come in the way. So, wait till the time is ripe to make your final decisions in this matter.

4.Rushing to settle on a date

Now that you are engaged, a wedding is definitely on the cards. Though you shouldn’t procrastinate indefinitely, neither should you be hasty with your decisions. Don’t quickly decide on a likely wedding date. Instead take your time with this important decision. Consult each other and think of all the factors that you should account for. You will have to find a date on which your preferred vendors are available, the venue is available and so on.

Most couples don’t really consider or plan for a wedding before they are actually engaged. So, take your time with this important decision and you won’t regret it later. Once you lock down on a date, you have limited options in other areas. So, be sure of your decision before you commit to it. It is also a good idea to run likely dates by your family and friends before making a final decision.


5.Not considering budget

Setting the wedding budget is one of the first and foremost wedding planning tasks. Tackle it as a priority. Every wedding decision you make will cost you money. However, how much you spend on each aspect of the wedding shouldn’t happen along the way, or you can run into debt. Talk about your financial situation with each other and plan a practical budget. If your parents will be contributing, you should find out how much they intend to spend. Once you are aware of the maximum you can afford to spend on your wedding, split it into components for each wedding task.

A proper idea of your wedding budget will also allow you to make choices such as whether you should hire a wedding planner or undertake the task yourself. With a good sense of your financial situation and a practical budget, you can approach your wedding planning in a sensible manner. This is also the time to discuss and understand each of your financial situations and suitably plan your future commitments as a couple.

6.Rushing with the wedding preparations

Most couples end up having time for little else, once they begin wedding planning. However, don’t forget that you are in a new chapter in your life. Savor the moment, for it will never return. This romantic phase in your life deserves to be celebrated, and it is also the time for you and your fiance to bond. The wedding preparations can wait. Once you are engaged, don’t rush into the next stage. Instead enjoy some time together and you will be all set to start planning your wedding with full gusto.

Have an engagement party or celebrate with an intimate affair. You can even have an engagement photo shoot. The additional advantage of this idea is that you can also use this as a selection process for your wedding photographer. However, as this post on the Huff Post mentions, the real reason to have an engagement photo shoot is to document this special time in your life. Make fond memories of your newly-engaged status, and it will be something to hold close to your heart forever.


7.Booking vendors without thinking it through

Most hasty decisions during wedding planning end in regret. You will have to book several vendors for your wedding. However, each of these decisions deserve thought and research. In your hurry, don’t hasten to book a vendor till you are absolutely sure you require this particular service. If you rethink your theme, you may find a better deal if you look further. When you hire the services of a wedding planner, it is likely that he or she will have their own recommended list of vendors. Or they may negotiate on your behalf and snag you a better bargain from the same vendor. So, give it enough thought when you make your decision and book vendors only if you are certain. Also, don’t forget to read the contract thoroughly. Ensure there are no chances of error if you go with a particular vendor choice.

8.Booking your wedding dress shopping appointment before you finalize anything else

It is a known fact that wedding dress shopping takes time. There is also the waiting time after placing your order, till when your dress is ready for delivery. Nonetheless, wedding dress shopping should be done after proper research. You should also wait till you fix the other details of your wedding. The venue, weather at the time of your wedding and wedding theme are important factors to consider when choosing a wedding gown. Unless you know these factors, it is best to wait before you book a wedding dress appointment.

We also suggest that you do sufficient research before you go wedding dress shopping. Or you may drown in the numerous options available, and end up confused and overwhelmed. Instead, create an inspiration board and collect pictures of dresses you love. Also identify the best silhouettes for your body shape. Finally, short list the dress features you love most and only then head off for your dress appointment.

9.Agreeing to all proposals without thinking it through

Once you announce your engagement, your friends or associates may approach you with offers for wedding-related services. This could be a relative or friend who runs a wedding-related business or someone who wishes to be in the bridal party. Don’t ever commit to anyone at this stage, as it can spell disaster in the long run.

It is never a good idea to mix relationships with business, unless you are sure you can speak your mind or are sure the person in question is a pure professional. Gratefully accept all proposals and tell your friends and associates that you will think over it. Never agree to anything without actually thinking it through. You can always say that you have to consult your fiance or consider whether the suggestion fits with the wedding theme you have in mind. Only agree to any proposal for help after you are sure it will work out. Also ensure that you will not strain your relationship with the person by this offer of help.

Yay! You're Engaged! What do do first | Wedding Planning

10.Skipping the all-important long discussion with your fiance

Ideally, you should discuss all your important life decisions prior to the engagement. Nonetheless, it is never too late to discuss your priorities and plans with your fiance, before you proceed with wedding planning. Couples should be clear about a number of factors that will affect their future, before they take the plunge. Finances, family relationships, career goals and even retirement plans are on the horizon and will affect your marriage to a great extent.

Make sure that you discuss each and all these factors. There may be compromises that either of you have to make. You may also have to get your priorities straight, so there is no misunderstanding later. Get it all out in the open, so you can start this new phase in your life in the right way.

11.Going crazy over Pinterest

Pinterest is a valuable tool when planning a wedding. So, you should dedicate a good amount of your time to it, when planning your wedding. Nevertheless, it shouldn’t be the be-all and end-all of your engagement period. You can end up ogling pretty details and obsessing over what you ought to copy to your wedding. However, remember that this is all there only for inspiration. Get the idea, but head out and plan your own unique way to make your wedding remarkable.

Once you complete a wedding-related task, say buying your wedding dress, resist the temptation to revisit Pinterest for the same. It is likely you will find a new dress that appeals more. So, don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Believe that you made the best decision possible and move on to the next task. This is the only way to prevent yourself from a  Pinterest-obsession and all the other wedding eye-candy on the internet.

Your engagement period is an exciting time. Nonetheless, it is also full of challenges of every sort. While you have to do most of the decision making yourself, we have the perfect solutions for your wedding day look. Visit us online or in-store, and our team will assist you in finding the perfect wedding dress for your special day.

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Top Wedding Planning Hacks for Busy Brides

Women who’ve been married before you will tell you that wedding planning is a full-time job in itself. If you are a busy bride with enough on your plate already, you will have enough responsibilities to handle daily. So,  it won’t be too easy to engage in wedding planning. Nonetheless, if the women before you have done it, so can you!

The idea is to have a systematic and organized approach to plan your wedding. Take a look at the tips we’ve compiled, and beat the stress. It will help you plan your wedding well despite your additional responsibilities.

Start in advance


Wedding planner Sharon Sacks on the Huffington Post, mentions how important it is to plan your wedding in advance, especially if you work full-time. It isn’t easy to balance work and a plan a wedding. Like she says, nobody should have to choose between a job and their wedding planning. The two can progress smoothly if you can work out a balanced plan.

The key to this is to start early. The more time you give yourself to handle different tasks, the more relaxed you will be. So, before you set the date of the wedding, make sure you have enough time left to plan it. Also, put aside few extra weeks to unwind or tackle any tasks that don’t go as per plan. 

Be organized to the last detail

From the minute you start your wedding plans, use an organized approach for everything you do. Create an online journal and enter your wedding planning timeline into it. Find the essential wedding planning timeline with all the relevant tasks in this article. Find the best wedding planning software apps to help you with your wedding here. There are plenty of project management software out that are immensely helpful. Trello is one of them. Choose the right one for your needs and start using it right away. Make sure to use and update the information you collect or create on a regular basis. Edit out unnecessary items to keep it under control. Set aside time for this daily, so you are up-to-date with all that is relevant and aren’t overwhelmed with information overload.

Work with only professional wedding services


Weddings are huge events, and not the place to experiment with novices. One of the biggest advantages of choosing professional wedding services is the efficiency they bring to a job. Most professional wedding service experts have been in the industry for long. They have the expertise and resources to handle their tasks with minimum supervision.

With previous experience, they know how much time it takes to complete a job. Thus, they can set your expectations correctly. The risk of things going wrong are fewer. More importantly, you have a minimum guarantee. You could save money by choosing a new vendor or entrusting a task to friends or family. However, the likelihood of hassles along the way is higher.

Spend some time on reviews

Unless you have personally experienced the service a wedding vendor provides or have a referral from an acquaintance, you should spend time on finding honest reviews of the service. Most vendors advertise themselves as the best of the lot. Some of them may even have certifications and testimonials on their websites. However, don’t simply rely on this information to book their services.

Check and read reviews, ask the vendor to refer you to  previous clients and objectively scrutinize the information available about them. The time you spend on this is worth the effort. It will make all the difference in averting stress at the last minute, when you should enjoy your special day.

Stop thinking about the wedding all-the-time


I know this is easier said than done! Nevertheless, the key to efficiently planning your wedding is not obsessing over it all the time. When you worry about your wedding all the time, it prevents you from concentrating on your other responsibilities. This will affect your overall efficiency and productivity. As a consequence, wedding planning will become stressful and no longer be fun.

Do not dedicate all your free and leisure time to wedding planning, as this will be overdoing it. Set aside a specific time during the day to fully engage in wedding planning. As you get closer to the wedding, you can spend more time on wedding plans. Do this in an organized manner and you can cover all plans within the available time frame. It is also a good idea to fix a regular time when you and your partner will discuss wedding-related stuff. When he knows in advance, he can  focus on the tasks at hand during the appointed time.

Think seriously about hiring a wedding planner

If there is little time left, you may be better off hiring a wedding planner to ensure your wedding is a success. With a wedding planner at your service, you have a person who is entirely dedicated to your wedding. They will run around on your behalf and do the million little things that you may otherwise overlook. It will also alleviate your stress to a great extent, as you needn’t constantly worry about what you may have missed.

Wedding planners can conduct vendor interviews or may even have recommended vendors for different jobs. This will save you valuable time and effort. Being professionals in the field, they also have the ability of handling any last-minute issues that may crop up.

Plan everything in detail


Do every activity, from shopping for your wedding dress to visiting the venue or booking a florist should after due research. Dedicate the first few days to research all the available options. I suggest that you set up a binder to collect and compile all information. Alternately, have a folder on your desktop with separate folders for each factor. Collate information you obtain into different categories promptly, and it will help you avoid confusion in future.

This type of an organized arrangement will also prepare you well for the different tasks to handle. Also remember that breaking down each wedding planning task into smaller sub-tasks makes it more manageable and easier to execute.

Delegate responsibilities

Enlist the help of family, friends and anyone eager to help you out. If you have a full-time engagement, there are limitations to the amount of free time you have in a day. If you try to do everything about the wedding yourself, there is a greater chance of overlooking certain things. This can double the stress at a later stage.

It isn’t unusual for overwhelmed brides who do more than their fair share of work to miss work deadlines and receive poor quality work reviews as a result of all the wedding planning. Prevent such a situation by trusting part of your plans to efficient and trustworthy acquaintances. Delegate duties to your bridesmaids, your fiance and parents and watch things run smoothly.

Have reasonable deadlines


Every wedding planning task should have a deadline. Work with the timeline I suggested earlier to understand which tasks you should do earlier, and which of them can wait till later. Avoid waiting till the last minute to do anything. The earlier you finish your responsibilities, the sooner you can relax and enjoy the days leading up to the wedding.

When setting deadlines, don’t forget to incorporate some buffer time just in case things don’t progress as planned. Be flexible with plans. Don’t forget to shuffle and re-organize your plans and get things done early if there are gaps in schedule. Your to-do list should constantly be updated and edited to accommodate any changes. Only then will you have everything covered well in time for the wedding.

Know the rules

You have to plan your wedding even if you work full-time. So, although it is tempting to squeeze in some planning into your work day, exercise caution. In fact, this survey on the Forbes website suggests that almost 89% of women plan their weddings on company time. Nevertheless, remember that every company has their own rules about how you use the company resources like computers and the internet for personal needs. This includes wedding planning. There may also be websites that aren’t allowed on work computers.

Before you start dedicating your free time at work to planning your wedding, it may be a good idea to check out what your company policies are. Even if your supervisor doesn’t mind, make sure you don’t overdo your wedding planning during work hours. If your online activity is being closely monitored and watched, it is best if you exercise caution.

But make the most of free time at work

Although you shouldn’t ideally plan your wedding during your work hours, there are some things you can fit into your breaks on work days or on the commute to and from work. Check out vendor reviews, go through and edit your to-do lists, and make calls to book appointments or check on updates during the few minutes you take off work. Vendor phone calls are in fact, one of the most important tasks you can do when you have few free minutes. It doesn’t take too long, and you can fit it into the earlier part of the day before you get involved in any important work. Plus, you will not be using the company’s computer for personal needs this way. So, your boss shouldn’t be able to complain.

Use your lunch hour and tea breaks to browse through wedding pics online or scan magazines for inspiration. Not only will this help you shortlist any interesting choices, it will not eat into your work time and negatively affect your productivity at work.

Set achievable goals


One of the reasons many brides overwhelm themselves with wedding planning is that they set expectations that are difficult to meet. Instead of that, try to understand your limitations and plan your activities accordingly. If you spend ten hours at work, be reasonable about the amount of time you can spend on wedding plans after this workday. Set your goals accordingly and avoid disappointment. Take time off work if required, or dedicate the weekend to wedding planning.

Unwind and step away from the wedding once in a while

Don’t let the wedding planning stress affect you adversely. As impossible as it may sound, you need to completely break away from all the planning once in a while to tackle it efficiently. Take a break when you do absolutely nothing related to the wedding. You will find yourself energized and rejuvenated for the tasks that remain.

Plan your breaks according to your convenience, but fit it into your wedding planning timeline. Either enjoy some time to yourself or invite the company of your fiance or friends to help you forget about the wedding for a bit. Trust me, the distraction will be helpful and make you eager to continue from where you left it.

Best for Bride understands every need of a bride, and is the perfect destination where bridal dreams come true. Whether you will be a fairy tale princess or a stylish modern bride on your special day, you are sure to find the dress of your dreams in our vast designer collections. Come visit us at one of our four store locations in Canada, or shop online from our amazing bridal dress collection. With bridal accessories, party favors, invitations and even dresses for the rest of the bridal party, we make your job efficient and easy. Tune into the Best for Bride website today to take a look at what we have on offer.

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Common wedding budget mistakes most couples make

wedding guest accessories

The wedding budget is the single entity that determines everything about your wedding. Everything from your beautiful wedding gown to the florist, caterers and even wedding favours depends on the funds you put aside for your wedding plans, and how you distribute it among different components.

When stepping into the new chapter of your life as a newlywed couple, you certainly do not want it to be with debt that you will struggle to settle. Unfortunately, many couples have a grand wedding and later struggle with their finances. Then there are also occasions when couples find themselves spending much more than they anticipated on their wedding. This is because of a lack of proper planning. Plan the wedding budget sensibly, and you can avoid this situation.

Let us take a close look at the common wedding budget mistakes many couples make and how you can avoid them.


Not fixing your priorities

Every couple wants a fantastic wedding. Nevertheless, you have to make at least a few compromises, if you are on a budget. Nonetheless, you can plan the best possible options for your budget by fixing your priorities. First, settle on a realistic wedding budget. For this, you may have to do some research on the average cost for each wedding planning aspect instead of just picking a number at random. Next, list the order of preference for each of them. This way, you can allocate more funds to those at the top of your list and be thrifty about the ones at the bottom.

Not figuring in the smaller, but essential items

A real bride reveals in this article, that one of the biggest mistakes she made at her wedding was overlooking the small items that were still essential to the overall wedding picture. She isn’t alone, as many brides who do most of the planning themselves forget to factor in certain items. It isn’t easy when they later have to find the funds to meet these expenses. Even the smallest dollar purchases will quickly add up. So, you shouldn’t overlook any factor when calculating your budget. Checklists are a big help in this situation. Make comprehensive checklists for every single item you can think of, for your wedding. Cross-check with ready-to-use checklists online and also have someone else take a look at them, just in case you may have missed something. Factoring in every likely expense will help you avoid going over budget.

Not figuring in the extras for bigger purchases

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For many items like your wedding gown, the price on the label isn’t the final figure you will pay for. There are extras for alterations, accessories, inner-wear and sometimes delivery charges. When you allocate a budget for such an item, make sure you account for these extras as well. Obtain a general idea of how much the extras will cost. Plan the actual budget for the main item after deducting these charges, and you will not end up spending more than you actually intended to.

Last-minute shopping and bookings

The closer you book venues and vendors to the date of your wedding, the higher the cost you will incur. Start your planning early, and you will have plenty of time to scout around for the best deals. You will also have time to research and weigh options and find the most budget-friendly ones. Booking early will also allow you to get the best vendors and deals for your wedding. Where wedding dresses are concerned, rush charges are significantly higher and you will again have to pay extra for alterations at short notice. Once you know your wedding day, don’t delay wedding dress shopping. Make sure you shop for your dress at least six months in advance. Similarly book your venue, band, caterers, photographers, florist and other vendors as soon as you finalize the wedding theme and decide on what you want.

Trying to save with DIY but ending up with more than you can handle

One thing many brides tend to overlook is the scale of the wedding. Although they may be capable of handling DIY details or have friends and relatives who are good bakers, florists or venue decorators, they may not have the resources or abilities to handle the task on large scale. When a DIY disaster occurs at the last possible moment, the only option is to get the available alternative, usually at a very high price. Avoid this costly mistake by being realistic about what you can actually handle. Also, exercise caution when entrusting a wedding task to someone you know. Make sure that they are capable of handling it before handing it to them.

Not paying proper attention to vendor contracts


Never ever assume anything on a contract, but clarify every single doubt. Also, make sure that you dedicate enough time to reading every detail on your contracts, and avoid overlooking anything essential. Different vendors offer different services in their packages. So, although one vendor may offer delivery and set up of your cake, another may not for the same price. Similar extras are wine corkage charges, cake serving charges, taking down of décor and clearing tables. The same applies to your photographer and band too. It is always best to clarify all these little details before you sign the contract and book the vendor. Make sure you know how many hours or what all services are included in the package, so you don’t end up paying extra to get the service you want, at the last minute. Here is a list of the common hidden costs that you may want to consider seriously. 

Picking vendors and services without comparing rates

Unless you are absolutely particular that you must have a certain vendor for your wedding, you should check around for the best deals for your budget. Compare deals, packages and service quality to find the right deals that give you what you want. Although you shouldn’t compromise on quality for the price, save the greater chunk of your budget for your priorities and adjust with what will fit the bill for the rest. If you come across a deal that seems too good to be true, make sure you consider the pros and cons before making your final decision. Don’t be too hasty to fix a deal. Negotiate the prices, look for discount options or referrals, and you can make your budget work further for your needs.

Giving in to pressure

Many couples end up spending more than they should, just because people advise them that they need something that they really do not. This can be a budget-buster. So, rather than giving in to pressure, do your research and know what you want and whether it is needed to realize your wedding vision. There are few “must-haves” in a wedding, and these should be what are actually important to you. Unless the people who push you into inviting more guests, putting up a photo booth or splurging on expensive wedding favours are actually contributing to the cost for it, you do not have to oblige.

Buying more than you actually need


It is always safer to have a little extra than you actually accounted for, but don’t take it to the extreme. Although a few extra invitations and wedding favours may be a good idea, you do not need extra hundreds of them, just in case. Think of every aspect thoroughly, so you do not make a mistake when calculating numbers. For invitations, think of how many families will be attending, rather than the total number of people. You do not need separate invitations for members of the same family. So, think of such relevant details and you can save yourself quite some money on these unnecessary expenses.

Last-minute changes to the plan

If there is one thing that every couple should do, it has a clear idea of what they want before they set out to do it. Vendors may suggest changes, and friends may encourage you to take things a little further, but only you know what you want and what you can afford. Avoid falling for temptation and making last-minute changes that will cost you dearly. You can be flexible and make small variations down the line, but don’t go for a major overhaul as the unexpected expenses in such cases will quickly add up and turn out to be disastrous.

A guest list that gets out of hand

Your wedding expenses are directly linked to the number of people who will attend. So, have a good grip on your guest list, and you shouldn’t go over budget. One of your first wedding planning decisions should be the number of people you can afford to have. Not only should you factor in your wedding priorities when distributing your funds, you should also consider whether this type of wedding will be meaningful to you. Once you arrive at a decision, stick to it. You don’t have to be extra-generous to satisfy your friends or family, nor do you have to feel guilty about having the wedding you can afford. Some decisions are tough, but you have to put your foot down where it is necessary for your own good. This is one such situation.

Not exploring your options


There are many ideas that will take your budget further. It is unfortunate that very few couples explore such options. Simple ideas like serving three-fourth portions instead of full cake slices, or having a selection of local wines instead of an open bar will make a small difference in the overall impact of the wedding. However, it will help your savings even while you can achieve similar results. You can also look to your vendors for creative but thrifty solutions to your various needs. As professionals who have worked at many weddings before, they should have plenty of ideas. Wedding planners are usually experts who can come up with creative and budget-friendly solutions for several wedding planning aspects. Look around for budget-friendly options, at least for your lower priorities. Your guests are less likely to notice the difference, and you can have the wedding you desire for much lesser.

Always choosing the safe option

When you are on a tight budget, it may be better to think out of the box than go with the conventional (expensive!) choice. If you are ready to take the risk, it is likely that you will find several good deals in unexpected places. One instance is where your hair and makeup are concerned. You can always have your hair and makeup was done by a professional artist. However, you can also consider booking your appointment with a beauty school and enjoy the same outcome. Similarly, you do not need an expensive vintage car to leave your reception in. Instead, deck up any car with some creative décor and it will be just as impressive. One of the best things about thinking creatively is that it allows you to have unique wedding elements that will make your wedding memorable.

Forgetting about tipping vendors

Many things about weddings still follow certain etiquette rules. Wedding tipping is one of them. Although it is now largely considered a personal decision, tipping is customary. Unless a vendor’s service charge includes gratuity, or the person performing the service is the owner himself, it is common practice to tip the people serving at your wedding. Similarly, delivery drivers are also normally tipped for their service. This should give you a good idea of how much you should allocate for this factor. 

Avoid these common mistakes and your wedding should progress without too many hassles in the budget department. For budget wedding dresses, and great deals and offers to make the most of your wedding dress budget, visit this link to our clearance and sale section on Best for Bride—the one-stop shopping destination for today’s bride. 

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rust Your Instincts: 10 Telltale Signs That a Wedding Dress Isn’t ‘The One’!

Not all brides are lucky enough to realize it when they come across the right wedding dress. Unless you have a very specific idea about the dress you want to wear, and find one that matches every one of your expectations, wedding shopping may not be so straightforward. With thousands of options and gorgeous wedding dresses that look just as good as the others, don’t be surprised if you are soon lost in a world of tulle and lace.

Here are the factors that you should pay attention to when you go shopping, so you know that when it is best to let go of a particular dress. This list will help you narrow down your choices by eliminating the dresses that will not be right. So, let’s look at when you should say “No” to a wedding dress.

When the dress is way over-budget

We cannot emphasize how important it is first to fix your wedding dress budget, and then go shopping. Wedding dresses can be as expensive as you want them to be. However, there are plenty of gems that are affordable as well. Don’t make the mistake of even trying on a dress that you cannot afford. If you fall in love with it, imagine the disappointment when you realize you cannot have it. And if, for some reason, you end up trying on a dress that is above budget or even think of wearing it just for the fun of it, keep in mind that you will not be buying it. The single reason that it costs more than your budget allows is enough for you to say “No” to it, this time.

Tip: When you calculate your wedding dress budget, don’t forget to account for alteration costs. This can easily add up to a few extra hundreds. So, look for a dress that will still be within your range, after the possible alteration charges that you may incur.

Your entourage is in love with it, though you aren’t

You know how it is when everyone around you seems to think this is the real deal, but you aren’t so sure. In some cases, you may be certain that this is not the dress, but your entourage may compel you to think otherwise. Don’t succumb to such pressure. Remember that no matter what the others think, a dress will simply not be best, unless you feel it yourself. Don’t force yourself to see their point of view and make the mistake of saying yes, because everyone thinks it is the one! We repeat, you do not want to be married in a dress that will leave you regretting the choice, simply because it wasn’t the one that you loved. Check out our previous article on how to choose your entourage wisely, so you minimize your chances of ending up in such a situation.

Some useful Info: Before shopping with your entourage, look at this short article on the Opinionator. Joanna Hershon tells us how she finally made her own dress decision for her wedding despite already having a dress picked out by mom, and how everything fell into place once she did. That’s something you should also consider!

When you are pressed for time

If you have been trying dresses on for the entire appointment and are satisfied almost to a great extent with the one you finally wear, do you take it? No, you shouldn’t!

Remember that your decision may be influenced by the other dresses that you tried on, and that you are running out of time and energy. Don’t make this mistake. Love a dress only because it is a dress you want to be married in, and not something you settled for. If you are saturated with lace, chiffon and organza gowns, stop the ordeal and go home. Come back for another appointment when you will be fresh and energetic. If you are almost certain that a dress is the right one, but not 100% sure, still don’t go for it. Instead go home and sleep over it. If you still find yourself attracted to the dress the next day, then it may be the one after all. Otherwise, you will be glad you didn’t finalize the decision without thinking it through, only to regret it later.

If it is not your style

The right wedding dress would be an extension of your personality and should reflect your taste and personal preferences. However beautiful a dress may be, if you cannot connect with it, it is best you say no. We have seen many brides agree to a certain silhouette just because their mom or friends think it is right and coerce them into agreeing. Other times, brides are tempted to try on the trendiest wedding dresses in the shop. However, a wedding dress is not just about the look. It is about becoming the bride that you always dreamed of being. So, if you have never turned towards a ball gown all your life, don’t do it on your wedding day. Similarly, if the latest trend statement, say a halter neck, isn’t one that you feel comfortable in, stay away from it. Take cues from your current wardrobe and the look you love most on yourself, to decide what your wedding dress should be.

When the dress is too trendy

Fashion is always changing, even in the case of wedding dresses. So, what is in today, may be out tomorrow. We think it is best to experiment with fashion trends in your daily wardrobe, but never with your wedding dress. This is because the pictures of your wedding day will stay with you for a lifetime, long after the trends have changed. So, you don’t want to end up with a dated look, ten years from now. Use trends as a guide to find styles that really appeal to you, and enhance your natural figure and features. As award-winning bridal stylist, Ellie Sanderson tells us in this article on the Huff Post, “You can make a nod to current fashion but don’t take anything to extremes.” Stay safe with fashion trends that are good enough that you can expect them to be around for a while longer. Also, make sure that the dress features actually add to your attractiveness. Then, it won’t be a problem even if the style is no longer a fashion statement when you flip the pages of your wedding album years later.

If the gown doesn’t match your theme

If your wedding is based on a theme, it may not be the best idea to choose a dress that doesn’t match it. For example, an ultra-modern sleek gown may look out of place at a rustic vintage wedding, just as a traditional ball gown would be inappropriate at a beach wedding. So, pick your theme and find a wedding gown that matches it, or do the reverse. Do your homework on the types of silhouettes, fabrics and gown designs that would be best for your chosen wedding theme. Then go shopping and pick a gown that is suitable for the theme, and not just one that you are attracted to at the moment.

When the dress feels uncomfortable

Although you may find yourself look amazing in a dress, you should also feel comfortable in it. Wearing anything you aren’t accustomed to will make you uncomfortable, whether on any other day or your wedding day. So, stick to wearing only a dress that is comfortable and doesn’t make you extra-conscious on your wedding day. Strapless and sweetheart neckline gowns rule the world of wedding gowns, but this design feature isn’t for every bride. It can be not very pleasant if you have to keep pulling up your neckline throughout the day, if you aren’t used to wearing it before. So, if you have never worn a strapless gown yet, or find yourself highly uncomfortable in it, it is best to avoid this on your wedding day. Similarly, other bold wedding dress features, like a fully exposed back or a silhouette that is too clingy may not be suitable for all brides. If you choose a dress that has sleeves, you should be able to lift your arms comfortably. Unless you can alter the design to suit your personal taste and it doesn’t drastically alter the look of the dress, it is better to continue looking.

When you find more flaws than favorites

A few alterations or custom changes are fine, when you choose a gown. But, if you think a dress is alright, but you will have to fix at least five or more things for it to be good enough for your wedding day, it certainly isn’t the right gown. When there is just that one feature that is perfect, but all the rest of the features do not appeal to you, it simply means you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and not to mention money, to fix it. Remember that every alteration costs money, and you may pay a lot of money if you have to make many custom changes. This is usually not worth it. You are better off looking for another gown with the features that you like.

When your mind is still on another dress

Don’t always expect to cry and get all emotional when you come across the right dress. This doesn’t happen to all brides. Sometimes, you may not be sure that you have already found the right dress until you try on more and your mind keeps returning to the previous one. So, if you find yourself torn between two dresses and seem to get nowhere with your decision, don’t try to force yourself to like the one you are wearing. It could be that you are inclined towards the current choice only because of it’s features that are similar to your original choice. Just to make sure, step out of the dress and think objectively about both. Unless the second one has a clear advantage over the first, it may be the first that appeals to you. Either way, it would be a good idea to take your time to decide. Go home, think over it for a day or two, and then return to place your order for the one you actually love.

If the gown doesn’t look great on the body you have now

Many brides anticipate a pre-wedding weight loss, which they expect to successfully happen in the months preceding the wedding. Whether this is possible or not, do not let this factor impact your dress decision. It is always better to choose a dress that looks good on your currently, and also buy it in your current size than take it in a smaller size. If the gown doesn’t flatter you right now, it is possible that it may not look good on you even after you shed the extra pounds. And if you cannot lose the intended weight, it would be an even bigger tragedy. So, if the dress isn’t figure-flattering or attractive on you at your dress appointment, say “no” to it without hesitation.

Wedding dress shopping is exciting but equally daunting. However, knowing your options, finding a talented bridal consultant and looking for what you want will help you find the dress of your dreams with fewer hassles. Brides before you have done it, and so can you.

To enjoy your shopping experience and to make the right choice from the thousands of designs available, trust the talented team at Best for Bride to help you. Book your appointment with us, so we can help you make your wedding dress dream a reality. Our vast inventory of top-class, high-quality designer wedding dresses are sure to impress you. So, what are you waiting for? Come visit us today!