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The Wedding Speech: Traditional Order to Follow at the Reception

The Wedding Speech: Traditional Order to Follow at the Reception

Key Takeaways

  • Traditional wedding speech order: Father of the bride, Father of the groom, Maid of honour, Best man, Newlyweds.
  • Bride’s father welcomes guests and shares stories.
  • The groom’s father/mother may speak next, often at the rehearsal dinner.
  • Maid of honor and best man share personal stories and toast the couple.
  • Newlyweds may thank guests and express gratitude.
  • Limit the number of speeches to avoid overwhelming the reception timeline.
  • Ideal timing: 3/4 through the meal for undivided attention.

You are finally done with the proper wedding plans. Now, you need to map out the timeline for your reception. One thing that needs to be considered is the wedding speech order. Who among your loved ones should you include in your list? You can use this format for Wedding speech examples flow if you are unsure how to start. You can freely tweak this traditional order to fit your preferences. 

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